20 results

Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality

Presentation / Conference
Pawluczuk, A., Smith, C., Webster, G., & Hall, H. (2018, March)
Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality. Paper presented at Transmedia Literacy International Conference, Barcelona, Spain
Purpose: This paper presents empirical research, which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive, and evaluate, the social impact of their work. There is currently a re...

Digital culture co-creation: capturing the social impact of small-scale community projects

Presentation / Conference
Webster, G., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2017, October)
Digital culture co-creation: capturing the social impact of small-scale community projects. Paper presented at Ways of Being in a Digital Age – A Review Conference
No abstract available

Youth digital participation: measuring social impact

Presentation / Conference
Pawluczuk, A., Hall, H., Smith, C. F. & Webster, G. (2017, June)
Youth digital participation: measuring social impact. Paper presented at i3 - information: interactions and impact, Aberdeen, Scotland
1.Introduction The concept of ‘youth participation’ has developed since the early 2000s in a time during which young people's everyday lives have become more heavily influence...

Recruiting, developing and supporting Committee/Board members

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2017, March)
Recruiting, developing and supporting Committee/Board members. Presented at Share (Training for Housing Associations) Annual Conference, Peebles Hydro Hotel, Scotland
In the aftermath of the Birmingham riots of 2011 Miles Weaver led a group of defiant citizens with brooms in the clean-up operation and an idea was born. Get young people off ...

Winning research grants.

Presentation / Conference
Duff, A. (2015, March)
Winning research grants

The good information society.

Presentation / Conference
Duff, A. (2014, November)
The good information society. Presented at International Conference on the Information Society, Marriott Hotel, London Heathrow Airport

A capability approach to young people’s participation and agency.

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V., Graham, H., & Raeside, R. (2014, June)
A capability approach to young people’s participation and agency. Paper presented at Where Now for Social Justice, Canterbury Christchurch University

Findings from LOCALISE.

Presentation / Conference
Fuertes, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2014, May)
Findings from LOCALISE
LOCALISE (Local Worlds of Social Cohesion), funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, has analysed the coordination of social and employment policies during t...

Achtung informatization! The information society and its problems.

Presentation / Conference
Duff, A. (2014, March)
Achtung informatization! The information society and its problems

Do politics matter in employment policy processes at the local level? France, Germany and the United Kingdom compared

Presentation / Conference
Bourgeois, C., Fuertes, V., & Zimmermann, K. (2013, July)
Do politics matter in employment policy processes at the local level? France, Germany and the United Kingdom compared. Paper presented at 8th IPA Conference “Societies in Conflicts: Experts, Publics and Democracy”, Vienna