56 results

SECA Regulations, Modal Shift and Transport System Effects: The Case of Sweden, Report for the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Stockholm

Bergqvist, R., & Cullinane, K. (2013)
SECA Regulations, Modal Shift and Transport System Effects: The Case of Sweden, Report for the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Stockholm. Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Stockholm
Report for the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Stockholm. Technical Report. Department of Business Administration, Industrial and Financial Management & Logis...

COMPASS: optimised co-modal passenger transport for reducing carbon emissions- user response to suggested ICT solutions.

Bak, M., Borkowski, P., Matthews, B., Wardman, M., Biosca, O., Ulied, A., …Winder, M. (2013)
COMPASS: optimised co-modal passenger transport for reducing carbon emissions- user response to suggested ICT solutions. Scotland: European Commission
This deliverable reports on the results of surveys accompanying COMPASS case studies. The analysis of a balanced set of cases in terms of topics and geographical coverage allo...

Mobile apps for bus users in Edinburgh

Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Mobile apps for bus users in Edinburgh
Edinburgh and its surrounding area are well served by an efficient bus network. The City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) have worked with the locally owned bus company (Lothian Bus...

Hansard: evidence given to the Victorian Parliament Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety.

Wigan, M. (2011)
Hansard: evidence given to the Victorian Parliament Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety. Australia: Victorian parliament

Privacy policies for smart metering in Victoria: consultation response to the Emergency Services Commission.

Wigan, M. (2011)
Privacy policies for smart metering in Victoria: consultation response to the Emergency Services Commission. Australia: Victoria Parliament

Evidence given to the Victorian parliament inquiry into motorcycle safety.

Wigan, M. (2011)
Evidence given to the Victorian parliament inquiry into motorcycle safety. Edinburgh: Oxford Systematics

INTERCONNECTION between short and long-distance transport - project final report. Deliverable D1.2 of the INTERCONNECT project,

Condie, H. (2011)
INTERCONNECTION between short and long-distance transport - project final report. Deliverable D1.2 of the INTERCONNECT project,

An Analysis of Potential Solutions for Improving Interconnectivity of Passenger Networks. INTERCONNECT Deliverable 3.1

Bonsall, P., Abrantes, P., Bak, M., Bielefeldt, C., Borkowski, P., Maffii, S., …de Stasio, C. (2011)
An Analysis of Potential Solutions for Improving Interconnectivity of Passenger Networks. INTERCONNECT Deliverable 3.1. Edinburgh: Trasnport Research Institute
An Analysis of Potential Solutions for Improving Interconnectivity of Passenger Networks.

Conclusions and Recommendations from the INTERCONNECT Project: Deliverable D5.4 of INTERCONNECT

Thisgaard, P. (2011)
Conclusions and Recommendations from the INTERCONNECT Project: Deliverable D5.4 of INTERCONNECT

Final Dissemination and Use Plan – public version: Deliverable 6.4 of INTERCONNECT.

Gravesen, R. (2011)
Final Dissemination and Use Plan – public version: Deliverable 6.4 of INTERCONNECT