5 results

Pay Gaps Between Domestic and International Fishers: an Economic or Ethical Issue?

Journal Article
Caveen, A., Chikwama, C., Botterill, K., Jones, E., Jones, E., Botterill, K., …Gray, T. (2020)
Pay Gaps Between Domestic and International Fishers: an Economic or Ethical Issue?. Maritime Studies, 19(1), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40152-019-00133-6
Through the global market for maritime labour, multi-national crews now work on fishing vessels which were once serviced by domestic crews only. The remuneration and working c...

Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Great Britain

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Great Britain. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Ukraine

Sharapov, K. (2014)
Fact Sheet: Trafficking in human beings and public opinion in Ukraine. Budapest: European Commission & Central European University
No abstract available.

Clients with mental health conditions: a challenge for career guidance practice.

Robertson, P. (2011)
Clients with mental health conditions: a challenge for career guidance practice. In B. A. Irving, & L. Barham (Eds.), Constructing the Future: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice, 131-146. Stourbridge: Institute of Career Guidance
This article explores meeting the needs of clients with mental health conditions and seeks to establish this group as one of particular interest to career guidance practitione...

Getting In Getting On In Construction: Experiences of women and men studying construction in Scotland (2008)

Sharapov, K. & Tizard, J. (2007)
Getting In Getting On In Construction: Experiences of women and men studying construction in Scotland (2008). Edinburgh: ConstructionSkills
This report explores the findings of a study into factors affecting the progression of undergraduates from built environment programmes into employment in the Scottish constru...