8 results

Newly Engineered Energy-based Features for Supervised Anomaly Detection in a Physical Model of a Water Supply System

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Tan, Z. (2021)
Newly Engineered Energy-based Features for Supervised Anomaly Detection in a Physical Model of a Water Supply System  . Ad hoc networks, 120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2021.102590
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are hardware, network, and software, upon which a facility depends to allow daily operations to function. In most cases society takes the oper...

Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Porcel-Bustamante, J. (2021)
Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems. Symmetry, 13(3), https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13030519
Industrial Control Systems are an essential part of our daily lives and can be found in industries such as oil, utilities, and manufacturing. Rapid growth in technology has in...

Real-time anomaly intrusion detection for a clean water supply system, utilising machine learning with novel energy-based features

Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., & Russell, G. (2020)
Real-time anomaly intrusion detection for a clean water supply system, utilising machine learning with novel energy-based features. In 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). https://doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN48605.2020.9207462
Industrial Control Systems have become a priority domain for cybersecurity practitioners due to the number of cyber-attacks against those systems has increased over the past f...

WaterLeakage: A Stealthy Malware for Data Exfiltration on Industrial Control Systems Using Visual Channels

Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., & Russell, G. (2019)
WaterLeakage: A Stealthy Malware for Data Exfiltration on Industrial Control Systems Using Visual Channels. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA)https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCA.2019.8899564
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have faced a growing number of threats over the past few years. Reliance on isolated controls networks or air-gapped computers is no longer a ...

PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 26, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2019.05.003
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are frequently used in manufacturing and critical infrastructures like water treatment, chemical plants, and transportation schemes. Citizens ...

Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System

Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System. In CITT 2018. , (91-103). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05532-5_7
Critical infrastructures such as nuclear plants or water supply systems are mainly managed through electronic control systems. Such systems comprise of a number of elements, s...

A supervised energy monitoring-based machine learning approach for anomaly detection in a clean water supply system

Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., & Russell, G. (2018)
A supervised energy monitoring-based machine learning approach for anomaly detection in a clean water supply system. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security 2018)https://doi.org/10.1109/CyberSecPODS.2018.8560683
Industrial Control Systems are part of our daily life in industries such as transportation, water, gas, oil, smart cities, and telecommunications. Technological development ov...

Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map

Conference Proceeding
Moradpoor, N., Brown, M., & Russell, G. (2017)
Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map. In 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2017)https://doi.org/10.1145/3136825.3136859
An insider threat can take on many aspects. Some employees abuse their positions of trust by disrupting normal operations, while others export valuable or confidential data wh...