4 results

David Bowie’s late revival belongs to a grand tradition dating back to Beethoven

Frayn, A., & Durkin, R. (2017)
David Bowie’s late revival belongs to a grand tradition dating back to Beethoven. https://theconversation.com/david-bowies-late-revival-belongs-to-a-grand-tradition-dating-back-to-beethoven-71031
On David Bowie's Blackstar as embodying aspects of late style, as discussed by Theodor Adorno and Edward Said. https://theconversation.com/david-bowies-late-revival-belongs-t...

Blake Schwarzenbach and the anxieties of American punk rock: 1991–present

Journal Article
Keeble, A. (2016)
Blake Schwarzenbach and the anxieties of American punk rock: 1991–present. Punk and Post Punk, 5(3), 295-310. https://doi.org/10.1386/punk.5.3.295_1
This article argues that Blake Schwarzenbach was a pivotal figure in the evolution of American punk from the early 1990s. Schwarzenbach’s journey as a punk figure has exemplif...

The future sound of retro: Daft Punk, Tron: Legacy and the sound of science fiction.

Presentation / Conference
Artt, S. (2011, June)
The future sound of retro: Daft Punk, Tron: Legacy and the sound of science fiction. Paper presented at Sonic Futures: soundscapes and the languages of screen media, King's College London/Birkbeck

Creative Futures: Building the Creative Economy through Universities.

Atton, C., McCleery, A., Mabweazara, H. & Ward, S. (2007)
Creative Futures: Building the Creative Economy through Universities. Edinburgh, Scotland: Million+
The creative industries are founded on innovation. They are responsive, multifaceted and evolving and have developed new models of business in order to adapt and contribute to...