14 results

‘Ethics, discourse, experience’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, May)
‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. Presented at Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland, Dublin

Through a glass darkly: the fantasmatic figure of the immigrant.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, March)
Through a glass darkly: the fantasmatic figure of the immigrant. Paper presented at Psychoanalysis and Politics Spring Symposium, Migration, Exile and Polyphonic Spaces, Spanish Psychoanalytic Society, Barcelona

‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, March)
‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’. Presented at Manchester University, Discursive Practice Workshop., Manchester
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Embarking from Beckett's famous lines from Worstward Ho, this paper considers the import of the quota...

‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2014, January)
‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’. Paper presented at Symposium Depsychologizing / Deneurologizing Modern Subjectivity, Ghent

‘On imaginary identification and the possibility of meaning’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2012, December)
‘On imaginary identification and the possibility of meaning’. Presented at Psychosocial Studies Seminar, Birkbeck College, London

'‘The logic of fantasy’: comments on Lacan’s seminar XIV’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2012, May)
'‘The logic of fantasy’: comments on Lacan’s seminar XIV’. Presented at Cardiff University Inter-disciplinary Psychosocial Seminar Series, Symposium on the Unconscious., Cardiff University

‘Sarah Lucas and the photographic gaze’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2012, February)
‘Sarah Lucas and the photographic gaze’. Presented at Stills Gallery, Theory of the Image, Stills Gallery

‘Imagining meaning: a Lacanian introduction to discourse analysis’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2011, November)
‘Imagining meaning: a Lacanian introduction to discourse analysis’. Presented at Open University Social Sciences Seminar, Open University, Milton Keynes

Antigone: Raw Female

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2011, August)
Antigone: Raw Female. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy, York St John University

What would have been: nostalgia, fantasy and the past of the future.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2011, July)
What would have been: nostalgia, fantasy and the past of the future. Paper presented at 3rd Annual Conference of the Apartheid Archive Project, Narratives, Nostalgia and Nationhood, Witswatersrand University, Johannesburg