4 results

The adoption process in management innovation: A Knowledge Management case study

Journal Article
Rasmussen, L., & Hall, H. (2016)
The adoption process in management innovation: A Knowledge Management case study. Journal of Information Science, 42(3), 356-368. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551515625032
is based on the findings of a study that explores and discusses in depth a Knowledge Management programme that was introduced within a large distributed public sector agency i...

A KM implementation as management innovation: the impact of an agent of change.

Presentation / Conference
Rasmussen, L. & Hall, H. (2014, June)
A KM implementation as management innovation: the impact of an agent of change. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland
This paper presents findings from an extensive study of a Knowledge Management (KM) programme within a large distributed public sector organisation. Here we conceive KM as a ‘...

Knowledge networking in a public service agency: contextual challenges and infrastructure issues.

Davenport, E., & Rasmussen, L. (2007)
Knowledge networking in a public service agency: contextual challenges and infrastructure issues. In T. K. Srikantaiah, & M. Koenig (Eds.), Knowledge Management in Practice: Connections and Context, 445-462. Information Today, Inc
The chapter presents a study of knowledge networking in a public sector agency (PuSA) in the UK, where a number of knowledge management initiatives have been introduced since ...

Initiating e-Participation Through a Knowledge Working Network

Conference Proceeding
Rasmussen, L., Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2006)
Initiating e-Participation Through a Knowledge Working Network. In R. Suomi, R. Cabral, J. F. Hampe, A. Heikkila, & J. Jarvelainen (Eds.), Project E-Society: Building Bricks. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 96-108. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-39229-5_9
The authors present a study of e-participation within a public sector agency (PSA), where a number of knowledge management initiatives have been introduced since the inception...