4 results

Carbon mitigation in the built environment: an input-output analysis of building materials and components in the UK

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (2018)
Carbon mitigation in the built environment: an input-output analysis of building materials and components in the UK. Procedia CIRP, 69, 189-193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2017.10.007
The circular economy has set out a new paradigm for a much needed shift from eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness. Buildings are top contributor globally for resource use and w...

Accuracy and reliability: a computational tool to minimise steel mass and carbon emissions at early-stage structural design

Journal Article
D’Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2018)
Accuracy and reliability: a computational tool to minimise steel mass and carbon emissions at early-stage structural design. Energy and Buildings, 168, 236-250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.03.031
Building structures often represent the element with the largest mass in a building project, with significant effects on the buildings life cycle environmental impacts. Amongs...

Holistic study of a timber double skin façade: Whole life carbon emissions and structural optimisation

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (2017)
Holistic study of a timber double skin façade: Whole life carbon emissions and structural optimisation. Building and Environment, 124, 42-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.07.046
The upkeep of existing buildings has a great role to play in reducing the carbon emissions of the built environ-ment. Façade upgrade represents one of the most effective inter...

A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Moncaster, A. M. (2017)
A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings. Energies, 10(4), 524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en10040524
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly becoming a common technique to assess the embodied energy and carbon of buildings and their components over their life cycle. Howev...