4 results

Carbon mitigation in the built environment: an input-output analysis of building materials and components in the UK

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (2018)
Carbon mitigation in the built environment: an input-output analysis of building materials and components in the UK. Procedia CIRP, 69, 189-193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2017.10.007
The circular economy has set out a new paradigm for a much needed shift from eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness. Buildings are top contributor globally for resource use and w...

Accuracy and reliability: a computational tool to minimise steel mass and carbon emissions at early-stage structural design

Journal Article
D’Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2018)
Accuracy and reliability: a computational tool to minimise steel mass and carbon emissions at early-stage structural design. Energy and Buildings, 168, 236-250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.03.031
Building structures often represent the element with the largest mass in a building project, with significant effects on the buildings life cycle environmental impacts. Amongs...

Holistic study of a timber double skin façade: Whole life carbon emissions and structural optimisation

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (2017)
Holistic study of a timber double skin façade: Whole life carbon emissions and structural optimisation. Building and Environment, 124, 42-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.07.046
The upkeep of existing buildings has a great role to play in reducing the carbon emissions of the built environ-ment. Façade upgrade represents one of the most effective inter...

A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Moncaster, A. M. (2017)
A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings. Energies, 10(4), 524. https://doi.org/10.3390/en10040524
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly becoming a common technique to assess the embodied energy and carbon of buildings and their components over their life cycle. Howev...
5 results

Augmented Virtual Reality Enhanced Building Information Modelling Technology for Bamboo-Timber Grid-shells

2022 - 2024
This project aims to develop the state-of-the-art building information modelling technology enhanced by augmented virtual reality function for design, manufacturing and building of the bamboo-timber g...
Funder: Construction Industry Council of Hong Kong | Value: £165,570

Researching and proposing a standard rule of responsibility for embodied carbon emissions through the value chain

2021 - 2026
Researching and proposing a standard rule of responsibility for embodied carbon emissions through the value chain
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £15,195

SHELTERs: Sustainable Homes Enabling the Long Term Empowerment of Refugees

2020 - 2024
This project addresses this major moral, humanitarian, and knowledge gap by following on from a highly successful seed-funded project, which developed—through participatory design and interdisciplinar...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £314,324

Circular design of emergency sheltering for Africa: a holistic approach

2018 - 2019
Africa is the continent with the highest number of displaced people due to wars, humanitarian crises, resource scarcity, and extreme climate events. Emergency sheltering always sets out with the best ...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £38,887

Informational Database for Sustainable and Energy Efficient materials in sub-Saharan Africa

2018 - 2019
The population in Africa is growing rapidly, and thus the urbanization is accelerated. The need for detailed information on the performance of materials is a crucial part of the decision-making proces...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering