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61 results

Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection

Journal Article
Tian, Z., Shi, W., Tan, Z., Qiu, J., Sun, Y., Jiang, F., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection. Mobile Networks and Applications,
Organizations' own personnel now have a greater ability than ever before to misuse their access to critical organizational assets. Insider threat detection is a key component ...

Urban data management system: Towards Big Data analytics for Internet of Things based smart urban environment using customized Hadoop

Journal Article
Babar, M., Arif, F., Jan, M. A., Tan, Z., & Khan, F. (2019)
Urban data management system: Towards Big Data analytics for Internet of Things based smart urban environment using customized Hadoop. Future Generation Computer Systems, 96, 398-409.
The unbroken amplfi cation of a versatile urban setup is challenged by huge Big Data processing. Understanding the voluminous data generated in a smart urban environment for d...

NgramPOS: A Bigram-based Linguistic and Statistical Feature Process Model for Unstructured Text Classification

Journal Article
Yazdania, S., Tan, Z., Kakavand, M., & Lau, S. (2022)
NgramPOS: A Bigram-based Linguistic and Statistical Feature Process Model for Unstructured Text Classification. Wireless Networks, 28, 1251-1261.
Research in financial domain has shown that sentiment aspects of stock news have a profound impact on volume trades, volatility, stock prices and firm earnings. With the ever ...

A Chain Topology for Efficient Monitoring of Food Grain Storage using Smart Sensors

Conference Proceeding
Kumar Mishra, A., Kumar Tripathy, A., Obaidat, M. S., Tan, Z., Prasad, M., Sadoun, B., & Puthal, D. (2018)
A Chain Topology for Efficient Monitoring of Food Grain Storage using Smart Sensors. In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, (89-98).
Due to lack of an efficient monitoring system to periodically record environmental parameters for food grain storage, a huge loss of food grains in storage is reported every y...

Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power Sensors

Journal Article
Lenka, R. K., Rath, A. K., Tan, Z., Sharma, S., Puthal, D., Simha, N. V. R., …Tripathi, S. S. (2018)
Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power Sensors. IEEE Access, 6, 30162-30173.
Wireless Sensors are an important component to develop the Internet of Things (IoT) Sensing infrastructure. There are enormous numbers of sensors connected with each other to ...

5G innovations for new business opportunities

Sébastien Bedo, J., Eddine El Ayoubi, S., Filippou, M., Gavras, A., Giustiniano, D., Iovanna, P., …Tjelta, T. (2017)
5G innovations for new business opportunities. Brussels: European Commission / 5G PPP
5G is the next generation mobile network that enables innovation and supports progressive change across all vertical industries and across our society1. Through its Radio Acce...

Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems

Journal Article
Shahzad, B., Orgun, M. A., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems. Mobile Information Systems, 2016, 1-2.
Fundamental Issues in Mobile Healthcare Information Systems

U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks

Conference Proceeding
Zeb, K., Saleem, K., Al Muhtadi, J., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks. In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom). , (562-567).
Cybersecurity in the health care domain is one of the most important and critical issues of this era. In fact, it was reported in 2014 that on the black market medical records...

Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications

Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C., Paulin, A., & Lim, A. K. (2016)
Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications. In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), (233-238).
This paper summarizes the determinants for future e-Health network and IT infrastructures in the health care environment. The paper bases on observations conducted as part of ...

Dynamic fine-grained access control in e-Health using: The secure SQL server system as an enabler of the future Internet

Conference Proceeding
Paulin, A., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
Dynamic fine-grained access control in e-Health using: The secure SQL server system as an enabler of the future Internet. In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom),, (245-248).
This paper describes the use of the Secure SQL Server system (SecSQL) – a system for dynamic fine-grained access control, in the context of e-Health. The system was used in tw...