6 results

A survey on rainfall forecasting using artificial neural network

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Zou, Y., Liu, X., & Linge, N. (2019)
A survey on rainfall forecasting using artificial neural network. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 11(2), 240-249. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijes.2018.10016095
Rainfall has a great impact on agriculture and people’s daily travel, so accurate prediction of precipitation is well worth studying for researchers. Traditional methods like ...

An Adaptively Speculative Execution Strategy Based on Real-Time Resource Awareness in a Multi-Job Heterogeneous Environment

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Cai, W., Liu, Q., Shen, J., Fu, Z., Liu, X., & Linge, N. (2017)
An Adaptively Speculative Execution Strategy Based on Real-Time Resource Awareness in a Multi-Job Heterogeneous Environment. KSII transactions on internet and information systems, 11(2), https://doi.org/10.3837/tiis.2017.02.004
MapReduce (MRV1), a popular programming model, proposed by Google, has been well used to process large datasets in Hadoop, an open source cloud platform. Its new version MapRe...

An aspect oriented model for software energy efficiency in decentralised servers.

Conference Proceeding
Chinenyeze, S., Liu, X., & Al-Dubai, A. (2014)
An aspect oriented model for software energy efficiency in decentralised servers. In ict4s-14https://doi.org/10.2991/ict4s-14.2014.14
Green software is currently gaining interests with the increasing impact of IT in energy consumption. Green-ness in software however, can be achieved at various stages of the ...

MVICS: a repository and search tool towards holistic semantic-based precise component selection.

Journal Article
Liu, X., & Li, C. (2013)
MVICS: a repository and search tool towards holistic semantic-based precise component selection. International journal of computers & technology, 5, 144-157
Driven by the continuous expansions of software applications and the increases in component varieties and sizes, the so-called component mismatch problem has become a more sev...

Evolution Feature Oriented Model Driven Product Line Engineering Approach for Synergistic and Dynamic Service Evolution in Clouds

Journal Article
Wei, H., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Chalmers, K., & Cheng, G. (2013)
Evolution Feature Oriented Model Driven Product Line Engineering Approach for Synergistic and Dynamic Service Evolution in Clouds. Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 1(1), 6-9. https://doi.org/10.12720/jiii.1.1.6-9
The proposed research will focus on developing a novel approach to solve Software Service Evolution problems in Computing Clouds. The approach will support dynamic evolution o...

A Multiple Viewed Interrelated Ontology Model for Holistic Component Specification and Retrieval

Conference Proceeding
Li, C., Liu, X., & Kennedy, J. (2009)
A Multiple Viewed Interrelated Ontology Model for Holistic Component Specification and Retrieval. In S. Abrahão, J. Verner, T. Jiang, A. Kiumi, T. Kim, & D. Ślęzak (Eds.), Advances in Software Engineering. ASEA 2009 (50-60). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10619-4_7
Despite the success that Component-Based Development has achieved so far, component mismatch remains as a major hurdle for wider and smoother component reuse due to the lack o...