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129 results

Living Culture in Scotland: cherished by women, commandeered by men?

Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2020)
Living Culture in Scotland: cherished by women, commandeered by men?. In M. Pittin-Hedon (Ed.), Women and Scotland: Literature, culture, politics. Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche Compté.
No abstract available.

Positive changes and appreciation of life among economic immigrants in Scotland.

Journal Article
Bak-Klimek, A., Karatzias, T., Elliott, L., Dickson, A., & MacLean, R. (2020)
Positive changes and appreciation of life among economic immigrants in Scotland. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21,
Objectives: Existing qualitative studies focussed predominantly on exploring immigrants’ stress, distress and coping aimed at reducing stress. Little attention has been paid t...

Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities “play the game”

Journal Article
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Bacon, L., & Mackinnon, L. (2019)
Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities “play the game”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(3), 324-339.
A recent UK Government commissioned study found concerning levels of unemployment among computing students from disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The study...


Journal Article
Disherholt, A. (2018)
Hands. Ology: Reviews in Applied Sciences, 1(1), 6-7.
An omnipresent and commonsensical idea today is that we are constantly preoccupied with a gadget in our hands-be that a phone, tablet or laptop-at the cost of social interacti...

Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism

Conference Proceeding
Perret, C., Powers, S. T., Pitt, J., & Hart, E. (2018)
Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism. In T. Ikegami, N. Virgo, O. Witkowski, M. Oka, R. Suzuki, & H. Iizuka (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life
Hierarchy is an efficient way for a group to organize, but often goes along with inequality that benefits leaders. To control despotic behaviour, followers can assess leaders'...

Reproducing the Fashion System: The Myth of the Influencer

Conference Proceeding
Logan-McFarlane, A., & Samsioe, E. (2018)
Reproducing the Fashion System: The Myth of the Influencer
Previous work in marketing has shown that the social media influencer plays an important role in attracting consumers to brands (Kapitan and Silvera 2016). The fashion ‘influe...

‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum

Journal Article
Sanghera, G., Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., & Arshad, R. (2018)
‘Living Rights’, rights claims, performative citizenship and young people – the right to vote in the Scottish independence referendum. Citizenship Studies, 22(5), 540-555.
This paper examines the rights claims-making that young people engaged in during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum when the right to vote was extended to 16- and 17-ye...

Rethinking “community” relationally: Polish communities in Scotland before and after Brexit

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2018)
Rethinking “community” relationally: Polish communities in Scotland before and after Brexit. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,
Community is a nebulous, contested concept in geography spanning research on social networks, encounters, mobilities, citizenship and belonging. However, its use as a discursi...

Placement or practicalities? Barriers and disincentives to work experience, as reported by computing students

Presentation / Conference
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., & Smith, C. (2017, December)
Placement or practicalities? Barriers and disincentives to work experience, as reported by computing students. Paper presented at Society for Research Into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference, Newport, Wales
Having relevant work experience, such as a placement or internship, is valued by employers in the technology sector and can improve employment outcomes for computing graduates...

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?

Blake, J. (2017)
Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland
This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE You...



