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9 results

The Impact of Target Capital Structure and Market Mispricing on Takeover Financing: Empirical Evidence from China

Journal Article
Li, J., & Gao, S. S. (2016)
The Impact of Target Capital Structure and Market Mispricing on Takeover Financing: Empirical Evidence from China. Global Review of Accounting and Finance, 7(2), 80-92
The dynamic trade-off theory and the market timing theory of capital structure are applied to analyze 5,923 Chinese takeover events from 2007 to 2014 with a view to identifyin...

Emerging market financial services development: the case of leasing in Poland and China

Journal Article
Jaworski, P. M., Sliwinski, A., & Gao, S. S. (2014)
Emerging market financial services development: the case of leasing in Poland and China. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 15, 365-382.
The aim of this paper is to present Polish and Chinese developments in this area in the period of 1999–2009 for the former and 2005–2008 the latter and then to compare both ma...

Do greenhouse gas emissions affect financial performance? – an empirical examination of Australian public firms

Journal Article
Wang, L., Li, S., & Gao, S. S. (2013)
Do greenhouse gas emissions affect financial performance? – an empirical examination of Australian public firms. Business Strategy and the Environment,
Previous studies that have attempted to relate corporate environmental performance to financial performance have generated conflicting results. This paper presents the finding...

Markowitz efficiency and size effect: evidence from the UK stock market

Journal Article
Hwang, T., Gao, S. S., & Owen, H. (2013)
Markowitz efficiency and size effect: evidence from the UK stock market. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,
Academics and practitioners have frequently debated the relationship between market capitalization and expected return. We apply the Markowitz efficient frontier approach to d...

Dividend tunneling and joint expropriation: empirical evidence from China's capital market

Journal Article
Lv, H., Li, W., & Gao, S. S. (2012)
Dividend tunneling and joint expropriation: empirical evidence from China's capital market. European Journal of Finance, 18, 369-394.
This paper examines the association between cash dividends and the shareholders balancing mechanism (SBM) using the exogeneity and endogeneity assumptions of corporate ownersh...

A two-pass model study of the CAPM: evidence from the UK stock market.

Journal Article
Hwang, T., Gao, S. S., & Owen, H. (2012)
A two-pass model study of the CAPM: evidence from the UK stock market. Studies in economics and finance, 29, 89-104.
Purpose – There has been considerable debate on the linear relationship between systematic risk and return. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether security return...

Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Corporate Behavior of Chinese Listed Companies

Book Chapter
Zhu, J., & Gao, S. S. (2011)
Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Corporate Behavior of Chinese Listed Companies. In Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies; Accounting in Asia, (61-82). Emerald.
Purpose – This study investigates the nature, types, and methods of fraudulent financial reporting committed by Chinese listed companies with a view to understanding corporate...

An analysis of China's derivatives market and accounting for derivatives

Book Chapter
Huang, H., & Gao, S. (2009)
An analysis of China's derivatives market and accounting for derivatives. In Financial Sector Reform and the International Integration of China, (134-148). Taylor & Francis
An analysis of China's derivatives market and accounting for derivatives.

Lease Finance in Emerging Markets: An Eastern European Study

Journal Article
Gao, S. S., & Herbert, W. E. (1996)
Lease Finance in Emerging Markets: An Eastern European Study. Managerial Finance, 22(12), 39-53.
The emergence of lease markets in Eastern Europe provides a new menu of opportunities for inward foreign leasing investment by Western Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). The Ea...