12 results

Bringing back the Bank: local renewal and agency through community banking.

Journal Article
Cutcher, L. (2013)
Bringing back the Bank: local renewal and agency through community banking. Organization Studies, https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840613495337
This paper presents findings from an in-depth case study of a bank that has drawn on an anti-globalization discourse and the idea of the ‘local in opposition to the global’ to...

Changing reasons for public private partnerships

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., & Scherrer, W. (2010)
Changing reasons for public private partnerships. Public Money and Management, 30, 27-34. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540960903492331
This article considers the micro- and macro-economic benefits and costs of PPPs and some implications of implementing new international accounting standards. If public sector ...

Public private partnership-a sustainable solution for the information society? experiences in the UK, Germany and Austria

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., & Scherrer, W. (2008)
Public private partnership-a sustainable solution for the information society? experiences in the UK, Germany and Austria. Uprava, 6, 7-34
The political context of governments differs between the UK, Germany and Austria, but each government currently has a positive view of Public private Partnership (PPP). There ...

Letter from Edinburgh - governance, economic performance and economic disparities in Scotland

Journal Article
Brown, R., McQuaid, R. W., & Newlands, D. (2007)
Letter from Edinburgh - governance, economic performance and economic disparities in Scotland. Regions, 24-27
John Smith, when Leader of the Labour Party, said that devolution was “the settled will of the Scottish people”. However, far from quelling debates about governance – and par...

The economics of motorways of the sea.

Journal Article
Baird, A. (2007)
The economics of motorways of the sea. Maritime Policy and Management. 34, 287-310. doi:10.1080/03088830701538976. ISSN 0308-8839
The last several decades have witnessed very substantial public sector investment in roadway and railway infrastructure throughout the EU. The seaway has tended not to be supp...

Thoughts on the wider implications of the rejection of the City of Edinburgh's proposals.

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (2005)
Thoughts on the wider implications of the rejection of the City of Edinburgh's proposals. Scotregen, 7

Opening doors as well as banging on tables: an assessment of UNISON/employer partnerships on learning in the UK public sector

Journal Article
Munro, A., & Rainbird, H. (2004)
Opening doors as well as banging on tables: an assessment of UNISON/employer partnerships on learning in the UK public sector. Industrial Relations Journal, 35(5), 419-433. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2338.2004.00324.x
The academic debate on partnerships has so far mainly focused on whether there are mutual gains for both unions and employers and whether they support or undermine branch orga...

Location of civil service jobs in Scotland in relation to the local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1997)
Location of civil service jobs in Scotland in relation to the local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament
The new Scottish Parliament will have potentially significant impacts upon economic, social and political development across Scotland. These issues and others such as the rela...

Changing roles-Scottish local government and economic development.

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1993)
Changing roles-Scottish local government and economic development. Edinburgh Economic and Employment Review,

New unitary authorities and economic development

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1993)
New unitary authorities and economic development. Regions, 23-28
Local authority economic development activities have grown significantly during the last decade (see for instance: Mills and Young, 1986; Chandler and Lawless, 1985; Rowan-Rob...