4 results

Quotidian bus journeys: City life reflections on Lothian buses

Noble, A. F. Quotidian bus journeys: City life reflections on Lothian buses. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2396
The main objectives of this research are to investigate the interaction between the city of Edinburgh, Lothian Buses (Edinburgh’s principal public transport provider) and peop...

Investigation and analysis of evidence of asymmetric churn in travel demand models.

Journal Article
Saleh, W. & Farrell, S. (2007)
Investigation and analysis of evidence of asymmetric churn in travel demand models. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 41, 691-702. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2006.09.016. ISSN 0965-8564
There is a large amount of research work that has been devoted to the understanding of travel behaviour and for the prediction of travel demand and its management. Different t...

Densification and urban compaction: reinforcing the drive for sustainability.

Journal Article
Cooper, J. A., Donegan, K. S., Ryley, T. J., Smyth, A. & Granzow, E. (2002)
Densification and urban compaction: reinforcing the drive for sustainability. Transportation research record. 1817, 102-109. doi:10.3141/1817-13. ISSN 0361-1981
The consumer response to sustainable development initiatives provided the focus for a series of research projects undertaken at the Transport Research Institute at Napier Univ...

Contemporary lifestyles and the implications for sustainable development policies: lessons from the UK’s most car dependant cities – Belfast.

Journal Article
Cooper, J. A., Ryley, T. J. & Smyth, A. (2001)
Contemporary lifestyles and the implications for sustainable development policies: lessons from the UK’s most car dependant cities – Belfast. Cities. 18, 103-113. doi:10.1016/S0264-2751(00)00062-7. ISSN 0264-2751
The rise in demand for car travel is fuelled more by the increased spatial separation of homes and workplaces, shops and schools than by any rise in trip making. Belfast is on...