8 results

Improving Lane Adherence at Signalised Roundabouts with Intelligent Road Studs - A Case Study

Presentation / Conference
Llewellyn, R. (2017, September)
Improving Lane Adherence at Signalised Roundabouts with Intelligent Road Studs - A Case Study. Paper presented at JCT Traffic Signals Symposium
Spiral markings at signalised roundabouts improve traffic flow but can reduce safety due to poor lane discipline. This paper describes an innovative method of improving lane a...

Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project

Presentation / Conference
Rye, T. & Llewellyn, R. (2016, November)
Parking enforcement activity and public attitudes to enforcement: a case study of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) in the context of the EU Push and Pull project. Paper presented at International workshop on the economics of parking, Barcelona, 28th November 2016, University of Barcelona
Effective parking enforcement is absolutely critical to the effective operation and to the public acceptability of on-street parking policy. Very little empirically-based aca...

Inattentional Blindness and road safety: the potential role of intelligent road studs in reducing accidents

Conference Proceeding
Llewellyn, R., & Ladyman, S. (2016)
Inattentional Blindness and road safety: the potential role of intelligent road studs in reducing accidents. In Proceedings of 11th ITS European Congress
In-vehicle distraction is often the subject of debate in relation to road safety. Distractions outside of the vehicle, however, are often overlooked. Both situations result in...

The Use Of Equality Impact Assessments In Scottish Local Authority Transport Projects

Presentation / Conference
Sherriff, G. & Llewellyn, R. (2016, May)
The Use Of Equality Impact Assessments In Scottish Local Authority Transport Projects. Paper presented at 12th Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, UK

Maximising the tourism benefits to the Scottish Borders of the Borders Railway

Presentation / Conference
Gibson, G., & Llewellyn, R. (2016, May)
Maximising the tourism benefits to the Scottish Borders of the Borders Railway. Paper presented at 12th Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, UK
No abstract avaliable.

Lighting the way: the use of intelligent road studs at spiral-marked roundabouts.

Presentation / Conference
Llewellyn, R. (2015, September)
Lighting the way: the use of intelligent road studs at spiral-marked roundabouts. Paper presented at European Transport Conference, Frankfurt, Germany

Travel plans: a critical comparison of the application of land use planning processes in England and Scotland

Journal Article
Llewellyn, R., Tricker, R., & Paton, D. (2014)
Travel plans: a critical comparison of the application of land use planning processes in England and Scotland. Transport, 29, 235-247. https://doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2014.913260
A Travel Plan is a travel demand management tool which has the potential to alter the means of travel to or from any destination or origin of movement to modes of transport ot...

After the downturn: where now for travel plans in Scotland?

Presentation / Conference
Llewellyn, R., Tricker, R., & Paton, D. (2014, April)
After the downturn: where now for travel plans in Scotland?. Paper presented at 10th Annual Scottish Transport Research and Applications Conference, Glasgow
A Travel Plan is a travel demand management tool which has the potential to alter the means of travel to or from any destination or origin of movement to modes of transport ot...