4 results

Mobile apps for bus users in Edinburgh

Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Mobile apps for bus users in Edinburgh
Edinburgh and its surrounding area are well served by an efficient bus network. The City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) have worked with the locally owned bus company (Lothian Bus...

How do you decide when to repeat transport surveys?

Journal Article
Wigan, M., Smith, N., & Timmis, B. (2007)
How do you decide when to repeat transport surveys?. Australasian Transport Research Forum, 1-23
Sustainable transport requires a perspective that extends beyond the present and beyond the transport system itself. To view sustainability properly requires more sophisticate...

Implementing Road User Charging: The Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London

Journal Article
Ison, S. G., & Rye, T. (2005)
Implementing Road User Charging: The Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London. Transport Reviews, 25(4), 451-465. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144164042000335788
Road user charging has long been advocated as a means of dealing with congestion in urban areas. Numerous schemes have been proposed but have advanced little beyond the drawin...

Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry.

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002)
Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry. Transport Reviews. 22, 147-157. doi:10.1080/014416400110076267. ISSN 0144-1647
The British Bus industry has undergone considerable transformation since privatization. Five major operators have emerged to dominate the market, a position almost exclusively...