5 results

Pollinator importance networks illustrate the crucial value of bees in a highly speciose plant community

Journal Article
Ballantyne, G., Baldock, K. C. R., Rendell, L., & Willmer, P. (2017)
Pollinator importance networks illustrate the crucial value of bees in a highly speciose plant community. Scientific Reports, 7(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-08798-x
Accurate predictions of pollination service delivery require a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between plants and flower visitors. To improve measurements of p...

Habitat use by Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix in a mixed moorland-forest landscape in Scotland and implications for a national afforestation strategy

Journal Article
White, P. J. C., Warren, P., & Baines, D. (2015)
Habitat use by Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix in a mixed moorland-forest landscape in Scotland and implications for a national afforestation strategy. Bird Study, 62(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2014.1000261
Capsule Long-term conservation of Black Grouse in Scotland may rely upon the retention of sufficiently large and well-connected patches of moorland and a diversity of adjacent...

Size constraints in a real food web: predator, parasite and prey body-size relationships.

Journal Article
Leaper, R., & Huxham, M. (2002)
Size constraints in a real food web: predator, parasite and prey body-size relationships. Oikos, 99, (443-456). doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.10888.x. ISSN 0030-1299
In the absence of well-resolved food webs that include both information on predators and parasites, body-size has been proposed as the biological mechanism underlying the assu...

The effects of the adult density of Macoma balthica on the recruitment of juvenile bivalves: a field experiment

Journal Article
Richards, M., Edwards, F., & Huxham, M. (2002)
The effects of the adult density of Macoma balthica on the recruitment of juvenile bivalves: a field experiment. Journal of Sea Research, 47(1), (41-54). doi:10.1016/s1385-1101(01)00101-0. ISSN 1385-1101
Populations of intertidal bivalves are patchily distributed at a variety of scales, and the distributions of adults and juveniles are often different. Adult-juvenile interacti...

Do Parasites Reduce the Chances of Triangulation in a Real Food Web?

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Beaney, S., & Raffaelli, D. (1996)
Do Parasites Reduce the Chances of Triangulation in a Real Food Web?. Oikos, 76(2), 284. doi:10.2307/3546201
At least ten different static patterns have been suggested by the analysis of food webs. However, the existence of many of these patterns has been questioned in recent years. ...