6 results

Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by nippostrongylus brasiliensis larvae and excretory-secretory products (es)

Zhao, M. Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by nippostrongylus brasiliensis larvae and excretory-secretory products (es)
(Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2549
Nippostrongylus brasiliensis is a rodent intestinal nematode with an important pulmonary migrating stage. Previous studies have observed a lack of TNF-α production and minimal...

The efficacy of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs is affected by binding to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein.

Journal Article
Johnson, D. A. & Smith, K. (2006)
The efficacy of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs is affected by binding to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. Biomedical Chromatography. 20, 551-560. doi:10.1002/bmc.641. ISSN 0269-3879
One of the most ubiquitous plasma proteins, -1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), has a high affinity, low capacity binding for basic drugs positively charged at physiological pH. Moreo...

Cannabidiol lacks the vanilloid VR1-mediated vasorespiratory effects of capsaicin and anandamide in anaesthetised rats

Journal Article
McQueen, D. S., Bond, S. M., Smith, P. J., Balali-Mood, K., & Smart, D. (2004)
Cannabidiol lacks the vanilloid VR1-mediated vasorespiratory effects of capsaicin and anandamide in anaesthetised rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 491(2-3), 181-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2004.03.045
The results of vasorespiratory studies in rats anaesthetised with pentobarbital show that (±) cannabidiol, a cannabinoid that lacks psychotropic actions and is inactive at can...

Anti-inflammatory responses and oxidative stress in Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-induced pulmonary inflammation.

Journal Article
McNeil, K. S., Knox, D. P. & Proudfoot, L. (2002)
Anti-inflammatory responses and oxidative stress in Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-induced pulmonary inflammation. Parasite Immunology. 24, 15-22. doi:10.1046/j.0141-9838.2001.00428.x. ISSN 0141-9838
Migration of L3 larvae of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis through the lungs of the rat, during primary infection, was studied at 24 h, 72 h and 8 days. At 24 h p.i., there was ev...

Size-dependent proinflammatory effects of ultrafine polystyrene particles: a role for surface area and oxidative stress in the enhanced activity of ultrafines.

Journal Article
Brown, D. M., Wilson, M. R., MacNee, W., Stone, V., & Donaldson, K. (2001)
Size-dependent proinflammatory effects of ultrafine polystyrene particles: a role for surface area and oxidative stress in the enhanced activity of ultrafines. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 175, 191-199. https://doi.org/10.1006/taap.2001.9240
Studies into the effects of ultrafine particles in the lung have shown adverse effects considered to be due in part to the particle size. Air pollution particles (PM10) are as...

The embryonal carcinoma cell line PCC7-S-AzaR: 21.21: 21.2 (clone 1009) expresses a functional GABA: 21.2A: 21.2 receptor comprising the α5, β3 and γ3 subunits: 21.2

Journal Article
Harvey, R. J., Lobron, C., Reinhardt-Maelicke, S., Maelicke, A., & Darlison, M. G. (1995)
The embryonal carcinoma cell line PCC7-S-AzaR: 21.21: 21.2 (clone 1009) expresses a functional GABA: 21.2A: 21.2 receptor comprising the α5, β3 and γ3 subunits: 21.2. Behavioural Pharmacology, 6(SUPPLEMENT 1), 119. https://doi.org/10.1097/00008877-199505001-00138