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44 results

Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications

Journal Article
La Spada, L., & Vegni, L. (2018)
Electromagnetic Nanoparticles for Sensing and Medical Diagnostic Applications. Materials, 11(4), 603.
A modeling and design approach is proposed for nanoparticle-based electromagnetic devices. First, the structure properties were analytically studied using Maxwell’s equations....

The Influence of Particles’ Aspect Ratio on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Materials

Conference Proceeding
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., & Barreto, D. (2017)
The Influence of Particles’ Aspect Ratio on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Materials. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. , (253-264).
The mechanical response of granular material depends both on the material properties (e.g. stiffness, anisotropy, permeability, etc.) and particle geometry (shape, roughness, ...

Disastrous performance of NanoCote/Aqua Based antimicrobial paint in a hospital setting

Journal Article
Ramsden, J., Reid, M., Whatley, V., & Dancer, S. (2016)
Disastrous performance of NanoCote/Aqua Based antimicrobial paint in a hospital setting. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 16(3), 131-136.
Attempts are being made to incorporate copper into clear varnish in order to coat environmental surfaces in hospitals with the long-term goal of reducing healthcare-acquired i...

A New Ab Initio Approach to the Development of High Temperature Superconducting Materials

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Nottale, L. (2016)
A New Ab Initio Approach to the Development of High Temperature Superconducting Materials. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 29(12), 3113-3118.
We review recent theoretical developments, which suggest that a set of shared principles underpin macroscopic quantum phenomena observed in high temperature superconducting ma...

The teaching of thermodynamics today.

Bartlett, R., & Kubie, J. (2015)
The teaching of thermodynamics today. In M. W. Collins, R. C. Dougal, C. Koenig, & I. S. Ruddock (Eds.), Kelvin, Thermodynamics and the Natural World; WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, 261-271. WITPRESS LTD. doi:10.2495/978-1-84564-149-8/011
Although there are several robust theories of ‘thermodynamics’ operating very successfully over a range of different disciplines, for example, biology, chemistry, geoscience, ...

Second virial coefficient of rod-shaped molecules and molecular dynamics simulations of the isotropic phase

Journal Article
Heyes, D. M., Turner, P., English, R. J., Williams, R., & Brańka, A. C. (2015)
Second virial coefficient of rod-shaped molecules and molecular dynamics simulations of the isotropic phase. Physical Review E, 91(4), 042134-042144.
The second virial coefficient, B 2 is computed of linear rigid rods composed of m equally spaced sites interacting with sites on other rods via the hard-sphere or Weeks-Cha...

Epsilon-Near-Zero Nanoantennas

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L. (2014)
Epsilon-Near-Zero Nanoantennas. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networksdoi:10.4108/icst.bodynets.2014.257015
In this paper the design of Epsilon Near Zero (ENZ) antennas, working in the infrared and optical regime, is presented. Two different structures are considered: the classical ...

Optical Properties of Modified Nanorod Particles for Biomedical Sensing

Journal Article
Iovine, R., Spada, L. L., & Vegni, L. (2014)
Optical Properties of Modified Nanorod Particles for Biomedical Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50(2), 169-172. doi:10.1109/tmag.2013.2284552
In this paper, an analytical and numerical investigation for modified gold nanorod particles, operating in the visible and in the infrared regime is proposed. The modified par...

Panelist for the "Infrastructure and Climate Change" session.

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T. (2013, November)
Panelist for the "Infrastructure and Climate Change" session. Presented at Dahrendorf Symposium 2013: Changing the European Debate: Focus on Climate Change, Berlin
No abstract available.

European Cities Can Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation by Changing Urban Albedo

Working Paper
Susca, T., & Creutzig, F. (2013)
European Cities Can Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation by Changing Urban Albedo
The IPCC Working Group I Fourth Assessment Report found that since pre-industrial times until 2005, Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) led to an increase in Earth´s albedo...



