4 results

Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A., Hairstans, R., Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., …Lang, V. (2020)
Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems. Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, Scottish Enterprise. and the Scottish Government
The purpose of this project is to provide evidence of the potential contribution offsite construction offers to address the challenges faced by the affordable housing sector i...

Timber products for retrofit in the UK – market potential, applications analysis and next steps

Presentation / Conference
Duncheva, D. M., Calcagno, C., & Hairstans, P. R. (2019, September)
Timber products for retrofit in the UK – market potential, applications analysis and next steps. Presented at Seminar on wood products in the round, Wood Technology Society of IOM3, organised by Daniel Ridley-Ellis, Edinburgh

The Quality Assurance of Tulipwood Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) for "Multi-Ply"

Journal Article
Hairstans, R., Plowas, W., Calcagno, C., & Milne, M. (2019)
The Quality Assurance of Tulipwood Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) for "Multi-Ply". Wood Design Focus, 29(2), 20-26
This paper presents the findings from the supply chain integration, pilot manufacture and quality assurance assessment of CLT made out of hardwood species, Tulipwood. The rese...

Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood

Presentation / Conference
Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., & Hairstans, R. (2018, June)
Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood. Poster presented at Timber 2018
The UK produces high quantities of softwood timber through forestry plantations concentrated in Scotland, however this resource is currently under-used and its full potential ...


