3 results

Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology.

Conference Proceeding
Scott, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000)
Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology. In Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2000. (ECBS 2000) Proceedings. Seventh IEEE International Conference and Workshopon the Issue Date: 2000, 165-173. https://doi.org/10.1109/ECBS.2000.839874
This paper outlines the three main field bus type standards: FOUNDATION Fieldbus; WorldFIP; and the CAN bus, each of which have great advantages over traditional instrumentati...

Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda. Journal of the Textile Institute, 85(4), 533-541. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405009408631299
A discussion of current thinking on the role of information as a business resource for competitive advantage leads to the conclusion that consideration should be given by the ...

Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry. International Journal of Information Management, 14(4), 281-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/0268-4012%2894%2990005-1
The results are given of an investigation into the perception and use of information as a strategic resource for effective business performance and competitive advantage in th...