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29 results

Understanding social enterprise and its financing: a case study of the child-care sector in Scotland.

Journal Article
Hare, P. G., Jones, D. W., & Blackledge, G. (2007)
Understanding social enterprise and its financing: a case study of the child-care sector in Scotland. Social enterprise journal, 3,
Purpose – To investigate the application of the social enterprise model to the childcare sector in Scotland and develop a practical model for analysing such social enterprises...

Good practice towards homeless drug users: research evidence from Scotland.

Journal Article
Neale, J., & Kennedy, C. (2002)
Good practice towards homeless drug users: research evidence from Scotland. Health and Social Care in the Community, 10, 196-205.
Evidence of large numbers of people who are both homeless and drug dependent, the complexity of their needs, and the many difficulties which they can encounter when trying to ...

The links between begging and rough sleeping: a question of legitimacy?

Journal Article
question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.

question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.
Begging is one of the most potent, and controversial, symbols of social exclusion in modern British society. This paper concentrates on the relationship between begging and ro...

Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants.

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), 73-90.
This paper draws on an anthropological perspective on social security to explore the complex ways in which Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants living in Glasgow negotiated thei...

Differing perspectives on a role for technology in care homes to improve the lives of older people and the work environment of staff

Journal Article
Wild, D., Szczepura, A., Bowman, C., Kydd, A., & Wallis, R. (2014)
Differing perspectives on a role for technology in care homes to improve the lives of older people and the work environment of staff. Housing, Care and Support, 17(2), 84-94.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to place the future development of technology within the existing reality of the diversity of care homes. Design/methodology/approach –...

Begging, rough sleeping and social exclusion: Implications for social policy.

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2001)
Begging, rough sleeping and social exclusion: Implications for social policy. Urban Studies, 38, 2001-2016.
Begging has become highly visible in the urban centres of Britain in recent years, yet the experiences and motivations of people involved in this activity have remained underr...

Effectiveness and Acceptability of Group Psychoeducation for the Management of Mental Health Problems in Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA).

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Ferguson, S., Chouliara, Z., Gullone, A., Cosgrove, K., & Douglas, A. (2014)
Effectiveness and Acceptability of Group Psychoeducation for the Management of Mental Health Problems in Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 64, 492-514.
There has been limited published research on the effectiveness of manualized psychoeducational approaches for the mental health and behavioral problems of child sexual abuse (...

Faith and belief in Scotland.

Siddiqui, M., Allison, A., Snowden, A., & Fleming, M. (2014)
Faith and belief in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government
The nature of Scottish society is changing. Scotland is becoming more ethnically and religiously diverse. Within an equalities framework, consideration must be given to servic...

The impact of welfare reform in Scotland - tracking study - Sweep 3 report

Graham, H., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R., & Raeside, R. (2015)
The impact of welfare reform in Scotland - tracking study - Sweep 3 report
The aim of the study is to explore the impact of on-going welfare changes on a range of households in Scotland over time. This report provides the findings from the first thre...

Long-term care for the aged: critical issues and challenges to China’s sustainable development.

Journal Article
Zhang, J. (2006)
Long-term care for the aged: critical issues and challenges to China’s sustainable development. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2, 126-143.
How to finance Long-term Care (LTC) has become a major policy issue in China. The provision of LTC finance is vital to sustain China's long-term economic development as the ag...