15 results

Industry perceptions to inclusive design: A comparative study

Conference Proceeding
Dong, H., Clarkson, P. J., & Keates, S. (2004)
Industry perceptions to inclusive design: A comparative study. In ASME 2004 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: 2nd Symposium on International Issues in Engineering Design, 553-562. doi:10.1115/DETC2004-57614
Despite increasing discussions on the topic in academia, truly inclusive design in industry remains the exception. This paper compares industry perceptions to inclusive design...

Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2008)
Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display
The introduction of effective auditory warnings into a shared environment requires a prior understanding of the existing soundfield and soundscape. Reifying the physical and p...

The game is aFoot, Watson: DeepQA systems and the future of HCI

Book Chapter
Keates, S., & Varker, P. (2012)
The game is aFoot, Watson: DeepQA systems and the future of HCI. In M. M. Soares, & F. Rebelo (Eds.), Advances in Usability Evaluation Part II (341-348). Florida, USA: CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b12324-40
In February 2011, the IBM Watson DeepQA (deep question and answer) system took part in a special challenge, pitting its question and answer capability against former Jeopardy!...

Workplace soundscape mapping: a trial of Macaulay and Crerar’s method

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2006)
Workplace soundscape mapping: a trial of Macaulay and Crerar’s method. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2006)
This paper describes a trial of Macaulay and Crerar’s method of mapping a workplace soundscape to assess its fitness as a basis for an extended soundscape mapping method. Twel...

Requirements capture for inclusive design resources and tools

Conference Proceeding
Dong, H., Clarkson, P. J., & Keates, S. (2004)
Requirements capture for inclusive design resources and tools. In ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 27-36. doi:10.1115/ESDA2004-58114
In the past twenty years, a number of resources and tools to support inclusive design have been developed. However, the impact of these resources and tools on industry is not ...

Universal access in the work-place: a case study.

Conference Proceeding
Keates, S., Clarkson, J., Coy, J., & Robinson, P. (1999)
Universal access in the work-place: a case study. In Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All
Universal Access belongs not only in the research laboratory, but also in an industrial environment. Many countries have set out specific legal requirements for companies to m...

Towards a new disciplinary framework for contemporary design practice.

Journal Article
Dykes, T. H., Rodgers, P. A., Dykes, T., Rodgers, P., & Smyth, M. (2009)
Towards a new disciplinary framework for contemporary design practice. CoDesign, 5(2), 99-116. https://doi.org/10.1080/15710880902910417
This paper argues for a consistent and new design-specific disciplinary framework that will provide a better understanding of emergent design practice. Design today is charact...

Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method

Book Chapter
Okereke, M., & Keates, S. (2018)
Computational Mechanics and the Finite Element Method. In J. Sun, H. Duan, S. Choi, Y. Fu, & C. Guardiola (Eds.), Finite Element Applications: A Practical Guide to the FEM Process, 3-25. Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67125-3_1
This textbook demonstrates the application of the finite element philosophy to the solution of real-world problems and is aimed at graduate level students, but is also suitabl...

Defining Acceptable Interaction for Universal Access

Conference Proceeding
Keates, S. (2015)
Defining Acceptable Interaction for Universal Access. In C. Stephanidis, & M. Antona (Eds.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Today's Technologies, 54-63. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20678-3_6
Many new assistive input systems developed to meet the needs of users with functional impairments fail to make it out of the research laboratory and into regular use by the in...

Establishing key dimensions for reifying soundfields and soundscapes from auditory professionals.

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2007)
Establishing key dimensions for reifying soundfields and soundscapes from auditory professionals. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display (364-371
This paper presents a unique insight into the way acousticians, computing specialists and sound designers describe the dimensions of sound they use. Seventy-five audio profess...