20 results

Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy]

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2002)
Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy]. In L. Kerschberg, & M. Kafatos (Eds.), Proceedings [of the] Thirteenth International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2001, 239-244. https://doi.org/10.1109/ssdm.2001.938556
Plant taxonomy is the science of classification of plants. One of the tasks of plant taxonomy is the creation of classifications of organisms that allows the understanding of ...

Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J. B., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language. In C. Batini, F. Giunchiglia, P. Giorgini, & M. Mecella (Eds.), Cooperative Information Systems; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (150-163). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44751-2_13
View mechanisms play an important role in restructuring data for users, while maintaining the integrity and autonomy for the underlying database schema. Although far more comp...

Active Serial Port: A Component for JCSP. Net Embedded Systems

Conference Proceeding
Clayton, S., & Kerridge, J. (2004)
Active Serial Port: A Component for JCSP. Net Embedded Systems. In P. H. Welch, J. M. Martin, D. Duce, M. Green, & I. R. East (Eds.), Communicating Process Architectures 2004, (85-98
The javax.comm package provides basic low-level access between Java programs and external input-output devices, in particular, serial devices. Such communications are handled ...

Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2002)
Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System. In A. Caplinskas, & J. Eder (Eds.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Fifth East-European Conference ADBIS' 2001
The problems associated with defining interoperable protocols for heterogenous information systems has been the subject of researchers for many years. While numerous solutions...

Coordinated graph and scatter-plot views for the visual exploration of microarray time-series data

Conference Proceeding
Craig, P., & Kennedy, J. (2003)
Coordinated graph and scatter-plot views for the visual exploration of microarray time-series data. In IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 173-180. doi:10.1109/infvis.2003.1249023
Microarrays are a relatively new, high-throughput data acquisition technology for investigating biological phenomena at the micro-level. The product of microarray experiments ...

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration.

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. In Advanced systems engineering: CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering (299-314). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45341-5_20
A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often tak...

Combining linking and focusing techniques for a multiple hierarchy visualisation

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2002)
Combining linking and focusing techniques for a multiple hierarchy visualisation. In E. Banissi, F. Khosrowshahi, M. Sarfraz, & A. Ursyn (Eds.), Proceedings [of the] Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 425-432. https://doi.org/10.1109/iv.2001.942092
Visualisations have previously combined linking and brushing operations successfully. However, none to our knowledge have combined linking and focussing techniques. We describ...

Exploring and examining assessment data via a matrix visualisation

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2004)
Exploring and examining assessment data via a matrix visualisation. In M. F. Costabile (Ed.), Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) 2004, 158-162. doi:10.1145/989863.989886
OPAL (Online PArtner Lens) is an application designed to match project requirements with suitable teams and individuals, and as part of its matching process features an evalua...

Using curves to enhance parallel coordinate visualisations

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2003)
Using curves to enhance parallel coordinate visualisations. In E. Banissi, K. Börner, C. Chen, G. Clapworthy, C. Maple, A. Lobben, …J. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings on Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003. IV 2003, 10-16. doi:10.1109/iv.2003.1217950
This paper introduces a number of refinements to the Parallel Coordinates visualisation metaphor for multi-dimensional data. Firstly, the traditional set of poly-lines are rep...

A Simulation of Interactions Between the Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale Eubalaena glacialis and Shipping using Dynamically Variable Temporal Granularity to Minimise Run Time

Conference Proceeding
Clyne, H., & Kennedy, J. (2001)
A Simulation of Interactions Between the Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale Eubalaena glacialis and Shipping using Dynamically Variable Temporal Granularity to Minimise Run Time. In F. Ghassemi, D. White, D. Cuddy, & T. Nakanishi (Eds.), MODSIM 2001 : International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 10-13 December 2001 : integrating models for natural resources management across disciplines, issues and scales : proceedings, 813-818
Collisions with ships are a major cause of mortality (~35%) for the severely endangered North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis, currently numbering only around 370 ind...