4 results

Assessing TCE Source Bioremediation by Geostatistical Analysis of a Flux Fence

Journal Article
Cai, Z., Wilson, R. D., & Lerner, D. N. (2012)
Assessing TCE Source Bioremediation by Geostatistical Analysis of a Flux Fence. Groundwater, 50(6), 908-917. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00916.x
Mass discharge across transect planes is increasingly used as a metric for performance assessment of in situ groundwater remediation systems. Mass discharge estimates using co...

Increasing Confidence in Mass Discharge Estimates Using Geostatistical Methods

Journal Article
Cai, Z., Wilson, R. D., Cardiff, M. A., & Kitanidis, P. K. (2011)
Increasing Confidence in Mass Discharge Estimates Using Geostatistical Methods. Groundwater, 49(2), 197-208. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00709.x
Mass discharge is one metric rapidly gaining acceptance for assessing the performance of in situ groundwater remediation systems. Multilevel sampling transects provide the dat...

New method for rock qualification

Conference Proceeding
János, L., Emőke, I., Phong. Q, T., Miklós, G., László, K., István, T., …Guida, G. (2018)
New method for rock qualification. In Mérnökgeológia-Kőzetmechanika 2018 (263-274
A new method was elaborated to characterize the breakage properties of rocks. A crushing test was suggested and parallel tests were performed on sand-pairs with differen...

Phase relations for decomposable soils

Journal Article
McDougall, J. R., & Pyrah, I. C. (2004)
Phase relations for decomposable soils. Géotechnique, 54(7), 487-493. https://doi.org/10.1680/geot.54.7.487.46750
Expressions describing the phase composition and interphase relations for a decomposable soil are derived by distinguishing between inert and decomposable fractions. A relatio...