4 results

Waddlia chondrophila Infects and Multiplies in Ovine Trophoblast Cells Stimulating an Inflammatory Immune Response

Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N., Coyle, C., Barlow, P. G., Mitchell, S., Greub, G., Baszler, T., …Longbottom, D. (2014)
Waddlia chondrophila Infects and Multiplies in Ovine Trophoblast Cells Stimulating an Inflammatory Immune Response. PLOS ONE, 9(7), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0102386
BACKGROUND Waddlia chondrophila (W. chondrophila) is an emerging abortifacient organism which has been identified in the placentae of humans and cattle. The organism is a mem...

Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction

Journal Article
Wattegedera, S. R., Doull, L. E., Goncheva, M. I., Wheelhouse, N., Watson, D. M., Pearce, J., …Entrican, G. (2019)
Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction. Frontiers in Immunology, 9, https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2018.03025
Successful mammalian pregnancies are a result of complex physiological, endocrinological and immunological processes that combine to create an environment where the mother is ...

Molecular detection of Chlamydia-like organisms in cattle drinking water

Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N., Saita, M., Gidlow, J., Deuchande, R., Borel, N., Baily, J., …Longbottom, D. (2011)
Molecular detection of Chlamydia-like organisms in cattle drinking water. Veterinary Microbiology, 152(1-2), 196-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2011.03.040
A substantial proportion of the causes of infectious bovine abortion remain largely undiagnosed, potentially due to the presence of previously unrecognised infectious agents. ...

Intranasal infection with Chlamydia abortus induces dose-dependent latency and abortion in sheep

Journal Article
Longbottom, D., Livingstone, M., Maley, S., van der Zon, A., Rocchi, M., Wilson, K., …Buxton, D. (2013)
Intranasal infection with Chlamydia abortus induces dose-dependent latency and abortion in sheep. PLOS ONE, 8(2), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057950
BACKGROUND: Latency is a key feature of the animal pathogen Chlamydia abortus, where infection remains inapparent in the non-pregnant animal and only becomes evident during a ...