37 results

Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification

Journal Article
Wylie, J., Tan, Z., Al-Dubai, A., & Wang, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification. Journal of Guangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 19(4), 28-41
Every Android malware sample generally belongs to a specific family that performs a similar set of actions and characteristics. Having the ability to effectively identify Andr...

Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection

Journal Article
Tian, Z., Shi, W., Tan, Z., Qiu, J., Sun, Y., Jiang, F., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection. Mobile Networks and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-020-01656-7
Organizations' own personnel now have a greater ability than ever before to misuse their access to critical organizational assets. Insider threat detection is a key component ...

Machine Un-learning: An Overview of Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions

Journal Article
Sai, S., Mittal, U., Chamola, V., Huang, K., Spinelli, I., Scardapane, S., …Hussain, A. (2024)
Machine Un-learning: An Overview of Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions. Cognitive Computation, 16, 482-506. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-023-10219-3
ML applications proliferate across various sectors. Large internet firms employ ML to train intelligent models using vast datasets, including sensitive user information. Howev...

Blockchain for edge-enabled smart cities applications

Journal Article
Jan, M. A., Yeh, K., Tan, Z., & Wu, Y. (2021)
Blockchain for edge-enabled smart cities applications. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 61, 102937. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2021.102937
The Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices are increasing at an exponential rate and share massive data generated in smart cities around the globe. The time-critical and del...

A Quality of Service-Aware Secured Communication Scheme for Internet of Things-Based Networks

Journal Article
Khan, F., Ur Rehman, A., Yahya, A., Jan, M. A., Chuma, J., Tan, Z., & Hussain, K. (2019)
A Quality of Service-Aware Secured Communication Scheme for Internet of Things-Based Networks. Sensors, 19, https://doi.org/10.3390/s19194321
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that aims to enable the interconnection of a large number of smart devices and heterogeneous networks. Ad hoc networks p...

Hybrid Tree-rule Firewall for High Speed Data Transmission

Journal Article
Chomsiri, T., He, X., Nanda, P., & Tan, Z. (2016)
Hybrid Tree-rule Firewall for High Speed Data Transmission. IEEE transactions on cloud computing, 1-1. https://doi.org/10.1109/tcc.2016.2554548
Traditional firewalls employ listed rules in both configuration and process phases to regulate network traffic. However, configuring a firewall with listed rules may create ru...

A Secured and Efficient Communication Scheme for Decentralized Cognitive Radio-Based Internet of Vehicles

Journal Article
Yao, W., Yahya, A., Khan, F., Tan, Z., Rehman, A. U., Chuma, J. M., …Babar, M. (2019)
A Secured and Efficient Communication Scheme for Decentralized Cognitive Radio-Based Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Access, 7, 160889-160900. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2945610
The advancements in hardware technologies have driven the evolution of vehicular ad hoc networks into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The IoV is a decentralized network of IoT...

RePIDS: A multi tier Real-time Payload-based Intrusion Detection System

Journal Article
Jamdagni, A., Tan, Z., He, X., Nanda, P., & Liu, R. P. (2013)
RePIDS: A multi tier Real-time Payload-based Intrusion Detection System. Computer Networks, 57(3), 811-824. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2012.10.002
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) deals with huge amount of network traffic and uses large feature set to discriminate normal pattern and intrusive pattern. However, most of ex...

Reliable and Fair Trustworthiness Evaluation Protocol for Platoon Service Recommendation System

Journal Article
Cheng, H., Tan, Z., Zhang, X., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Reliable and Fair Trustworthiness Evaluation Protocol for Platoon Service Recommendation System. Chinese Journal of Electronics,
Aiming at the problems of the communication inefficiency and high energy consumption in vehicular networks, the platoon service recommendation systems (PSRS) are presented. Ma...

Block-Sparse Coding-Based Machine Learning Approach for Dependable Device-Free Localization in IoT Environment

Journal Article
Zhao, L., Huang, H., Su, C., Ding, S., Huang, H., Tan, Z., & Li, Z. (2021)
Block-Sparse Coding-Based Machine Learning Approach for Dependable Device-Free Localization in IoT Environment. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(5), 3211-3223. https://doi.org/10.1109/jiot.2020.3019732
Device-free localization (DFL) locates targets without equipping with wireless devices or tag under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) architectures. As an emerging technology, DFL ...