3 results

What does it really cost? allocating indirect costs.

Journal Article
Snyder, H., & Davenport, E. (1997)
What does it really cost? allocating indirect costs. Bottom Line, 10(4), 158-164. https://doi.org/10.1108/08880459710183035
Better managerial control in terms of decision making and understanding the total costs of a system or service result from allocating indirect costs. Allocation requires a thr...

Managing social capital as knowledge management – some specification and representation issues.

Journal Article
Davenport, E., Graham, M., Kennedy, J., & Taylor, K. (2005)
Managing social capital as knowledge management – some specification and representation issues. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40, 101-108. doi:10.1002/meet.1450400113
‘Classic’ accounts of social capital have emerged in accounts of stable networks or institutional environments. These conditions do not apply in the case of many firms – a cas...

New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework

Conference Proceeding
Davenport, E., & Hall, H. (2002)
New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework. In R. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Scienceshttps://doi.org/10.1109/hicss.2001.926353
The role of communities of practice in knowledge creation is recognized in a number of contexts. The authors take a socio-technical perspective and identify four characteristi...