6 results

Introduction - Dickens and Sex

Journal Article
Furneaux, H., & Schwan, A. (2005)
Introduction - Dickens and Sex. Critical Survey, 17(2), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.3167/001115705781004523
This collection explores the still underrepresented topics of sex, erotics and desire in the work of Charles Dickens. Contributors draw upon and suggest new points of converge...

The Limitations of a Somatics of Resistance: Sexual Performativity and Gender Dissidence in Dickens's Dombey and Son

Journal Article
Schwan, A. (2005)
The Limitations of a Somatics of Resistance: Sexual Performativity and Gender Dissidence in Dickens's Dombey and Son. Critical Survey, 17(2), 92-106. https://doi.org/10.3167/001115705781004514
This essay considers some of the implications of a critical turn from a concern with a 'political technology of the body' in the Foucauldian sense to one with embodied micropr...

Review of article-Cristina Hanganu-Bresch’s and Carol Berkenkotter’s “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement.

Journal Article
Schwan, A. (2013)
Review of article-Cristina Hanganu-Bresch’s and Carol Berkenkotter’s “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement. Journal of Literature and Science, 6, 82-83. https://doi.org/10.12929/jls.06.1.08
No abstract available. Item is a review of the following journal article - Cristina Hanganu-Bresch and Carol Berkenkotter, “Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Ac...

Orange is the New Black and cultural representations of women’s Imprisonment.

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2015, April)
Orange is the New Black and cultural representations of women’s Imprisonment. Paper presented at Northeast Modern Language Association 46th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada
No abstract available.

From "Dry Volumes of Facts and Figures" to stories of "Flesh and Blood": the prison naratives of Frederick William Robinson

Schwan, A. (2008)
From "Dry Volumes of Facts and Figures" to stories of "Flesh and Blood": the prison naratives of Frederick William Robinson. In J. Alber, & F. Lauterbach (Eds.), Stones of Law-Bricks of Shame: narrating imprisonment in the Victorian age, 191-212. Toronto University Press

When feminism collides with the politics of difference: the pitfalls of progressive filmmaking.

Schwan, A. (2003)
When feminism collides with the politics of difference: the pitfalls of progressive filmmaking. In CorpoRealities: In(ter)ventions in an Omnipresent Subject, 275-289. Koenigstein/Taunus: Helmer