35 results

Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Polla, G., & Heidl, B. (2017)
Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(7), 578-592. https://doi.org/10.1108/ejtd-04-2016-0022
Purpose This paper seeks to unlock the career transitions of hospitality managers through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. It seeks to understand how Schein’s Career ...

The impact of individual values on human resource decision‐making by line managers

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Garavan, T. N., Saha, S. K., & O'Donnell, D. (2006)
The impact of individual values on human resource decision‐making by line managers. International Journal of Manpower, 27(3), 251-273. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437720610672167
Purpose – This paper explores this relationship between the individual values of managers and human resource (HR) decision‐making.Design/methodology/approach – Questionnaire d...

The cultural boundedness of theory and practice in HRD?

Journal Article
McGuire, D., O’Donnell, D., Garavan, T. N., Saha, S. K., & Murphy, J. (2002)
The cultural boundedness of theory and practice in HRD?. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 9(2), 25-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/13527600210797389
Argues that cultural influences may not only affect a professional’s implicit concept of what constitutes effective practice, but may also affect researchers’ explicit theorie...

The motivation of nurses to participate in continuing professional education in Ireland

Journal Article
Murphy, C., Cross, C., & McGuire, D. (2006)
The motivation of nurses to participate in continuing professional education in Ireland. Journal of European industrial training, 30(5), 365-384. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090590610677926
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to review the extant literature on CPE amongst nurses and concentrate on discovering the factors that motivate and inhibit participati...

Portrait of a transformational leader: the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Journal Article
McGuire, D., & Hutchings, K. (2007)
Portrait of a transformational leader: the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership & organization development journal, 28(2), 154-166. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437730710726840
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the leadership of Dr Martin Luther King Jr in relation to four characteristics of transformational leadershipDesign/methodolo...

Social Capital and HRD: Provocative Insights From Critical Management Studies

Journal Article
O'Donnell, D., Gubbins, C., McGuire, D., Jørgensen, K. M., Bo Henriksen, L., & Garavan, T. N. (2007)
Social Capital and HRD: Provocative Insights From Critical Management Studies. Advances in developing human resources, 9(3), 413-435. https://doi.org/10.1177/1523422306304107
The problem and the solution. This article initiates a critical management studies evaluation of social capital in an HRD context by drawing on insights from Foucault and Habe...

A Machiavellian analysis of organisational change

Journal Article
McGuire, D., & Hutchings, K. (2006)
A Machiavellian analysis of organisational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19(2), 192-209. https://doi.org/10.1108/09534810610648906
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to undertake a Machiavellian analysis of the determinants of organisational change. It aims to present a model of how power, leaders and...

Towards a model of human resource solutions for achieving intergenerational interaction in organisations

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Todnem By, R., & Hutchings, K. (2007)
Towards a model of human resource solutions for achieving intergenerational interaction in organisations. Journal of European industrial training, 31(8), 592-608. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090590710833651
Purpose – Achieving intergenerational interaction and avoiding conflict is becoming increasingly difficult in a workplace populated by three generations – Baby Boomers, Genera...

Testing the existence of a Green Contract: an exploratory study.

Journal Article
McGuire, D., & Germain, M. (2015)
Testing the existence of a Green Contract: an exploratory study. Advances in developing human resources, 17, 489-503. https://doi.org/10.1177/1523422315599622
The Problem: Climate change has been identified as one of the most significant challenges of this generation. Yet, little is known about the reciprocal expectations that organ...

Book Review of "Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice" - Peter G Northouse

Journal Article
McGuire, D. (2009)
Book Review of "Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice" - Peter G Northouse. Journal of European industrial training, 33(8/9), 838-840. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090590910993661
This interactive textbook provides a useful introduction to a range of leadership concepts and practices. Written by Peter G. Northouse, author of Leadership: Theory and Pract...