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3 results

CURIOS Mobile: Linked Data exploitation for tourist mobile apps in rural areas

Conference Proceeding
Nguyen, H. H., Beel, D., Webster, G., Mellish, C., Pan, J. Z., & Wallace, C. (2015)
CURIOS Mobile: Linked Data exploitation for tourist mobile apps in rural areas. In T. Supnithi, T. Yamaguchi, J. Z. Pan, V. Wuwongse, & M. Buranarach (Eds.), Semantic Technology : 4th Joint International Conference, JIST 2014. , (129-145).
As mobile devices proliferate and their computational power has increased rapidly over recent years, mobile applications have become a popular choice for visitors to enhance t...

Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study.

Conference Proceeding
Webster, G., Sripada, S. G., Mellish, C., Melero, Y., Arts, K., Lambin, X., & Wal, R. V. D. (2014)
Determining content for unknown users: lessons from the MinkApp case study. In INLG 2014
If an NLG system needs to be put in place as soon as possible it is not always possible to know in advance who the us-ers of a system are or what kind of in-formation will int...

CURIOS: Web-based presentation and management of linked datasets.

Conference Proceeding
Nguyen, H. H., Taylor, S., Webster, G., Jekjantuk, N., Mellish, C., Pan, J. Z. & Rheinallt, T. (2013)
CURIOS: Web-based presentation and management of linked datasets. In Horridge, M., Rospocher, M. & van Ossenbruggen, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the ISWC 2014 Posters & Demonstrations Track, 249-252