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O efeito da salinidade no desenvolvimento larval do caranguejo - uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) no Norte do Brasil

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., & Diele, K. (2008)
O efeito da salinidade no desenvolvimento larval do caranguejo - uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) no Norte do Brasil. Acta amazonica, 38(2), 345-350.
The present work studied the effect of salinity on the survival and duration of larval development of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (from the Caeté River estuary, North o...

Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine social–ecological systems

Journal Article
Glaser, M., Christie, P., Diele, K., Dsikowitzky, L., Ferse, S., Nordhaus, I., …Wild, C. (2012)
Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine social–ecological systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 300-308.
Tropical coastal and marine social–ecological systems (CM-SES) are diverse, complex and dynamic, facing special challenges as hotspots of biodiversity and centres of populatio...

The effect of salinity on the larval development of the uca-crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) in northern Brazil.

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., & Diele, K. (2008)
The effect of salinity on the larval development of the uca-crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) in northern Brazil. Acta amazonica, 38, 345-350
The present work studied the effect of salinity on the survival and duration of larval development of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (from the Caeté River estuary, North o...

Artificial Crab Burrows Facilitate Desalting of Rooted Mangrove Sediment in a Microcosm Study.

Journal Article
Pülmanns, N., Nordhaus, I., Diele, K., & Mehlig, U. (2015)
Artificial Crab Burrows Facilitate Desalting of Rooted Mangrove Sediment in a Microcosm Study. Journal of marine science and engineering, 3(3), 539-559.
Water uptake by mangrove trees can result in salt accumulation in sediment around roots, negatively influencing growth. Tidal pumping facilitates salt release and can be enhan...

Simulating cryptic movements of a mangrove crab: Recovery phenomena after small scale fishery.

Journal Article
Piou, C., Berger, U., Hildenbrandt, H., Grimm, V., Diele, K., & D’Lima, C. (2007)
Simulating cryptic movements of a mangrove crab: Recovery phenomena after small scale fishery. Ecological Modelling, 205, 110-122. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.02.008
The semi-terrestrial burrowing crab Ucides cordatus is an important ecological component and economic resource of Brazilian mangrove forests. The crab population of the Caeté ...

Life history and population structure of the exploited mangrove crab Ucides cordatus cordatus (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Caete Estuary, North Brazil.

Diele, K. (2000)
Life history and population structure of the exploited mangrove crab Ucides cordatus cordatus (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Caete Estuary, North Brazil. (Thesis). Universität Bremen. Retrieved from
The semiterrestrial crab U. cordatus is one of the most heavily exploited resources of Bra-zilian mangrove forests. The growing interest in protecting and managing U. cordatus...

Sediment Temperature Impact on Population Structure and Dynamics of the Crab Austruca iranica Pretzmann, 1971 (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in Subtropical Mangroves of the Persian Gulf

Journal Article
Saeedi, H., Kamrani, E., Nordhaus, I., & Diele, K. (2018)
Sediment Temperature Impact on Population Structure and Dynamics of the Crab Austruca iranica Pretzmann, 1971 (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in Subtropical Mangroves of the Persian Gulf. Wetlands,
Ocypodid crabs inhabit intertidal sandy/muddy flats of tropical and sub-tropical mangroves. Iran has three species of the genus Austruca. In contrast to A. sindensis and A. la...

Effects of High Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Carbon Availability on the Physiology of the Hard Coral Acropora millepora from the Great Barrier Reef

Journal Article
Meyer, F. W., Vogel, N., Diele, K., Kunzmann, A., Uthicke, S., & Wild, C. (2016)
Effects of High Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Carbon Availability on the Physiology of the Hard Coral Acropora millepora from the Great Barrier Reef. PLOS ONE, 11,
Coral reefs are facing major global and local threats due to climate change-induced increases in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and because of land-derived increases in orga...

Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, genus Uca) from a North Brazilian mangrove ecosystem.

Journal Article
Koch, V., Wolff, M., & Diele, K. (2005)
Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, genus Uca) from a North Brazilian mangrove ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 291, 177-188. doi:10.3354/meps291177
Abundance, biomass, population structure, growth, mortality and reproduction of 4 fiddler crabs (Uca cumulanta, U. maracoani, U. rapax and U. vocator) were studied in the Caet...

A world without mangroves?

Journal Article
Duke, N. C., Meynecke, J. O., Dittmann, S., Ellison, A. M., Anger, K., Berger, U., …Dahdouh-Guebas, F. (2007)
A world without mangroves?. Science, 317, 41-42