8 results

(Mis)Communication and context for childhood vaccinations: a role for critical health psychology?

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., & Hogg, R. (2009)
(Mis)Communication and context for childhood vaccinations: a role for critical health psychology?
Background: The promotion of childhood vaccinations is complex in the literature. Vaccination is important to ensure protection from infectious diseases but in developed count...

Barriers to escaping the low-pay no-pay cycle for disadvantaged parents.

Conference Proceeding
Fuertes, V. (2009)
Barriers to escaping the low-pay no-pay cycle for disadvantaged parents
Poverty is a dynamic process that reflects the shifting nature of individual and household income. Drawing on the findings of a research study supported by the Joseph Rowntree...

The low-pay no-pay cycle and disadvantaged mothers.

Conference Proceeding
Fuertes, V., McQuaid, R. W. & Richard, A. (2008)
The low-pay no-pay cycle and disadvantaged mothers

Other people's families: Tensions at work in the NHS

Conference Proceeding
Wise, S. (2004)
Other people's families: Tensions at work in the NHS
This paper draws on research conducted among nurses and in an acute NHS Trust. Interviews and a questionnaire survey with nursing and midwifery staff at all levels and across ...

The role of childcare in getting disadvantaged parents into employment.

Conference Proceeding
Fuertes, V. & Bond, S. (2008)
The role of childcare in getting disadvantaged parents into employment

‘New Technologies and Child Protection': Conference report.

Conference Proceeding
Stone, K. (2012)
‘New Technologies and Child Protection': Conference report
The New Technologies Conference was held at The Scottish Police College, on Friday 1st March 2013 bringing together a group of practitioners, academics and other professionals...

Multiple segregation in nursing careers: causes and consequences.

Conference Proceeding
Wise, S. (2003)
Multiple segregation in nursing careers: causes and consequences

How do we prepare children and young people to use the internet safely? (Workshop title)

Conference Proceeding
Stone, K. (2012)
How do we prepare children and young people to use the internet safely? (Workshop title
This interactive session touched on the issues of rights, risks and responsibilities and the need for children and young people to be supported to view the internet through a ...