3 results

Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance

Journal Article
Aldali, Y., Davison, B., Muneer, T., & Henderson, D. (2012)
Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 134, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4006893
This paper presents arguments for the use of direct steam generation (DSG) in preference to other forms of generation in particular locations according to the prevailing envir...

Modeling and Experimental Verification of Solar Radiation on a Sloped Surface, Photovoltaic Cell Temperature, and Photovoltaic Efficiency.

Journal Article
Aldali, Y., Celik, A. N., & Muneer, T. (2013)
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Solar Radiation on a Sloped Surface, Photovoltaic Cell Temperature, and Photovoltaic Efficiency. Journal of Energy Engineering, 139, 8-11. https://doi.org/10.1061/%28ASCE%29EY.1943-7897.0000082
This article presents modeling and experimental verification of conversion of solar irradiation from horizontal to sloped surfaces and photovoltaic cell temperature and an ana...

Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature

Journal Article
Gago, E. J., Etxebarria, S., Tham, Y. W., Aldali, Y., & Muneer, T. (2011)
Inter-relationship between mean-daily irradiation and temperature, and decomposition models for hourly irradiation and temperature. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 6, 22-37. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijlct/ctq039
Terrestrial temperature records have existed for centuries. These records are available for very many locations. Temperature is indeed the most widely measured meteorological ...