26 results

Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia

Presentation / Conference
Hamilton, M., Gribble, C., & Smith, S. (2017, December)
Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education SRHE, Cardiff, Wales
In Australia and the UK there is growing emphasis on ‘entrepreneurship’ in response to challenging economic circumstances. The current focus on developing ‘entrepreneurial’ ca...

From Skills Development to Skills Use and Articulation: Insights from the Interface Between University and Work.

Presentation / Conference
Caddell, M., Smith, S., & Boyle, F. (2012, March)
From Skills Development to Skills Use and Articulation: Insights from the Interface Between University and Work. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement Themes, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh
Much work has been dedicated to how universities define graduate attributes and how they can help their students develop these academic abilities, personal qualities and skill...

Earn as you learn: Widening participation through apprenticeships as debt-free degrees

Presentation / Conference
Meharg, D., Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., & Khristin, F. (2021, March)
Earn as you learn: Widening participation through apprenticeships as debt-free degrees. Presented at Advance HE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021, Online
Apprenticeship Degrees provide opportunities to study for a degree without incurring debt. Collaborations between employers and HEIs enable new or established employees to ear...

Making co-op work for you: a comparative exploration of student attitudes to co-op programs in the United States and the United Kingdom

Presentation / Conference
Ramirez, N., Smith, S., Smith, C., Berg, T., Strubel, B., Ohland, M., & Main, J. (2015, August)
Making co-op work for you: a comparative exploration of student attitudes to co-op programs in the United States and the United Kingdom. Paper presented at World Conference on Co-op and Work Integrated Learning (WACE 19th
University engineering and computing courses have a long tradition of co-operative education that plays a vital role in developing students' applied skills and giving confiden...

Building Employer Partnerships: a regional placement perspective.

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S., & Smith, C. F. (2013, July)
Building Employer Partnerships: a regional placement perspective. Paper presented at HEA Annual Conference, University of Warwick
The case for paid placements as transformational for students has been made; indeed the Wilson report (A Review of Business- University Collaboration, http://www.gov.uk) exhor...

Can Pay, Should Pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities

Presentation / Conference
Smith, C. F., Smith, S., & Irving, C. (2013, April)
Can Pay, Should Pay? Comparing employer and student outcomes of paid and unpaid work opportunities. Paper presented at HEA STEM Conference, Birmingham, UK
In a time of high youth unemployment, when relevant work experience is often cited as the most important factor in finding a graduate job, computing students are being advised...

Taking education for granted: the role of placement in computing science

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S., Smith, C., Taylor-Smith, E., & Gemma, W. (2017, June)
Taking education for granted: the role of placement in computing science. Presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
The importance of placements and internships was highlighted in the 2016 Shadbolt Review of Computer Science Degree Accreditation and Graduate Employability – indeed the secon...

Women in ICT: exploring professional Identity on an executive masters program

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S., Smith, C. F., & Varey, A. (2015, October)
Women in ICT: exploring professional Identity on an executive masters program. Paper presented at 6th Annual Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation and Technology (CSEIT 2015
Despite years of purposeful activity there is still a shortfall in the numbers of women enrolling onto computing courses in the UK and elsewhere, while many who join the profe...

Graduate apprenticeships are great opportunities for individuals, but are they inclusive?

Presentation / Conference
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., & Varey, A. (2018, December)
Graduate apprenticeships are great opportunities for individuals, but are they inclusive?. Paper presented at Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference
Higher education-level apprenticeships can provide routes to university degrees for people without the financial resources for traditional degrees. In Scotland, the first coho...

The future of professionalising informatics: a university education perspective.

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S., & Phillips, I. (2015, October)
The future of professionalising informatics: a university education perspective. Paper presented at 11th European Computer Science Summit, Vienna
In March 2015, the Shadbolt Review group was established in the UK to review course accreditation of computer science university courses. The Council of Professors and Heads o...