5 results

Assessment of the Effect of the Enhancement of Urban Infrastructures on Climate Change: the Case Study of European Cities

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T. (2013, February)
Assessment of the Effect of the Enhancement of Urban Infrastructures on Climate Change: the Case Study of European Cities. Paper presented at Dahrendorf Workshop: Economics and Climate Change, Brussels
No abstract available.

Current State and Barriers for the Development of Renewable Energy in Europe

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T., Fernandez, B., & Lohrey, S. (2013, June)
Current State and Barriers for the Development of Renewable Energy in Europe. Paper presented at Dahrendorf Workshop: A European Energiewende as a European Common Good?
No abstract available.

Panelist for the "Infrastructure and Climate Change" session.

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T. (2013, November)
Panelist for the "Infrastructure and Climate Change" session. Presented at Dahrendorf Symposium 2013: Changing the European Debate: Focus on Climate Change, Berlin
No abstract available.

Researching environmental politics in South America: reflections of a gringa.

Presentation / Conference
Siegel, K. M. (2016, April)
Researching environmental politics in South America: reflections of a gringa. Presented at Postgraduate Symposium: Reflections from the Field, Stirling, Scotland

Using a cap and trade system for securing emissions reductions.

Presentation / Conference
Cullinane, K. (2012, September)
Using a cap and trade system for securing emissions reductions. Presented at Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economics