14 results

Risikomanagement Typologie: an empirical study of German SME's

Journal Article
Henschel, T. (2008)
Risikomanagement Typologie: an empirical study of German SME's. Zeitschrift fur Risk, Fraud and Governance, 3, 149-160
The literature has neglected the issue of risk management in small and medium enterprises previously largely. It was therefore the aim of the present study, in German SMEs to ...

Innovation and New Product Development by SMEs An Investigation of Scottish Food and Drinks Industry: An Investigation of Scottish Food and Drinks Industry

Vyas, V. Innovation and New Product Development by SMEs An Investigation of Scottish Food and Drinks Industry: An Investigation of Scottish Food and Drinks Industry. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2960
This dissertation reports the results of case studies on innovation and new product development in eight Scottish food companies and a subsequent triangulation survey of 85 in...

Typology of SME's risk management practices.

Conference Proceeding
Henschel, T. (2008)
Typology of SME's risk management practices
The business management literature has largely neglected the theme of risk management for SMEs. So the aim of this research was to explore the current state of risk management...

Implementing a holistic risk management for Small and Medium-sized enterprises.

Conference Proceeding
Henschel, T. (2009)
Implementing a holistic risk management for Small and Medium-sized enterprises
Business management literature has largely neglected the theme of risk management for SMEs. This workshop sketches the outline of a holistic risk management system for SMEs to...

Risk management practices in German SME's: an empirical investigation.

Journal Article
Henschel, T. (2006)
Risk management practices in German SME's: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3, 554-571. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2006.010543
This paper reports the current risk management practices in German Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) (so-called German 'Mittelstand'). In particular, it studies possibl...

Risk Management Practices of SMEs. Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management Systems

Henschel, T. (2008)
Risk Management Practices of SMEs. Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management Systems. Erich Schmidt
For SMEs, the establishment of a risk management system is essential to their survivial, since it affects their ability to continue to receive credit from banks. When rating a...

Risk management practices in the main industries of German small to medium-sized enterprises

Henschel, T. Risk management practices in the main industries of German small to medium-sized enterprises. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/3674
The business management literature has largely neglected the theme of risk management for SMEs. So the aim of this research was to explore the current state of risk management...

Public bodies’ perceptions on risk transfer in the UK’s private finance initiative.

Journal Article
Gao, S. S. & Handley-Schachler, M. (2003)
Public bodies’ perceptions on risk transfer in the UK’s private finance initiative. Journal of finance & management in public services. 3, 25-39. ISSN 1475-1283
This paper presents a preliminary study of public bodies’ perceptions relating to risk transfer in the UK private finance initiative (PFI). The study is based on semi-structur...

Balanced scorecard im Mittelstand - ein Implementierungskonzept.

Journal Article
Henschel, T., & Meurer, J. (2007)
Balanced scorecard im Mittelstand - ein Implementierungskonzept. Controller Magazin, 32, 309-313

Corporate governance in small and medium sized Scottish enterprises, focus on Research

Crossan, K., & Henschel, T. (2012)
Corporate governance in small and medium sized Scottish enterprises, focus on Research
No abstract available.