39 results

The practice of governance in fast growing small firms: a cross country analysis

Presentation / Conference
Henschel, T., Durst, S., & Crossan, K. (2012, June)
The practice of governance in fast growing small firms: a cross country analysis. Paper presented at The International council for Small Business 57th World conference
No abstract available.

The validity of the theory of the firm: UK survey evidence

Working Paper
Crossan, K. The validity of the theory of the firm: UK survey evidence

Crossan, K. The validity of the theory of the firm: UK survey evidence
No abstract available.

Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland

Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (in press)
Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland

Conference Proceeding
Fonseca, A. P., Crossan, K., Hock, T., Bratton, A., & Weaver, M. (2021)
Empowering SMEs to embrace the SDGs in a Post-Covid Scotland. In ISBE Conference Papers
The United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social stru...

Governance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Towards a Holistic Model of Governance

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K., Pershina, E., & Henschel, T. (2014, June)
Governance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Towards a Holistic Model of Governance. Paper presented at The International council for Small Business 59th World conference
No abstract available.

The effects of a seperation of ownership from control on UK listed firms: an empirical analysis

Journal Article
Crossan, K. (2011)
The effects of a seperation of ownership from control on UK listed firms: an empirical analysis. Managerial and Decision Economics, 32, 293-304. https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.1535
There has been a wide‐ranging debate concerning the effects of the separation of management and ownership of large firms. Given recent issues concerning corporate remuneration...

Taking Action to Unlock Business Resources Into Communities using SSM

Conference Proceeding
Weaver, M., Tan, H., Crossan, K., & Paxton, S. (2016)
Taking Action to Unlock Business Resources Into Communities using SSM. In Proceedings of OR58, Annual Operations Research Conference
This session presents three system conceptual models that have been brought to action as a result of an SSM study with the Voluntary Action Fund (a Scottish grant-maker). VAF ...

How accurate are VAT registrations as a measure of entrepreneurship?: A spatial analysis of Scotland and its regions

Journal Article
Ross, A. G., Crossan, K., & Juleff, L. (2012)
How accurate are VAT registrations as a measure of entrepreneurship?: A spatial analysis of Scotland and its regions. Local Economy, 27(3), 279-296. https://doi.org/10.1177/0269094211434476
Comparing VAT registration data with Scottish Clearing Bank Statistics on new start-up activity we assess the extent to which VATregistration data reflect the general level of...

Mind the Gap: Public Equity as a Financing Solution for Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Influence of National Culture

Journal Article
Koch, L., Crossan, K., & Jaworski, P. (2022)
Mind the Gap: Public Equity as a Financing Solution for Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Influence of National Culture. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28(7), 1800-1827. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-04-2021-0247
Purpose This research focuses on the demand from medium-sized firms to access public equity as a source of finance. The acceptance of public equity differs strongly between co...

Neoclassical, managerial and behavioural theories of the firm: a critique.

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K. (2004, June)
Neoclassical, managerial and behavioural theories of the firm: a critique. Paper presented at The 2004 European Applied Business Research Conference
No abstract available.
12 results

Education-job mismatch: A comprehensive analysis of vertical and horizontal mismatch among university graduates in Saudi Arabia

2019 - date
Halah Alattas | Director of Studies: Prof Maura Sheehan | Second Supervisor: Dr Kenny Crossan

Mind the gap: Public equity as a financing solution for medium-sized enterprises and the influence of national culture

2017 - 2021
Lisa Koch | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan | Second Supervisor: Dr Piotr Jaworski

Establishing a framework for partnerships between third sector and SME business in Scotland

2013 - 2022
Elena Pershina | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan | Second Supervisor: Dr Miles Weaver

Entrepreneurship and the spatial context: evidence on the location of continuing entrepreneurial activity in Scotland

2009 - 2013
Dr Andrew Ross | Director of Studies: Linda Juleff | Second Supervisor: Dr Kenny Crossan

Ethical funds and risk: Evidence from the United Kingdom

2017 - 2021
Shaikh Hasan | Director of Studies: Dr Marizah Minhat | Second Supervisor: Prof Richard Whitecross

Corporatisation and the performance of hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A panel study, 1979-2014

2013 - 2020
Vivian Nasrulddin | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan | Second Supervisor: Dr Piotr Jaworski

How autopoietic cybernetics can contribute to humanitarian supply network operations

2016 - date
David Duddy | Director of Studies: Dr Miles Weaver | Second Supervisor: Dr Damian Stantchev

A critical examination of the procurement function in selected organisations in Jamaica - contribution to competitive advantage as perceived by key decision makers and procurement practitioners

2017 - date
Flo Angus | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan | Second Supervisor: Dr Fawad Khaleel

Rising to the top: Exploring the role of political skill, career self-efficacy and perceived organisational support in the career success of women in Germany

2014 - 2020
Caprice Oona Weissenrieder | Director of Studies: Prof Jane Ali-Knight | Second Supervisor: Dr Kenny Crossan

Public charging infrastructure as the key enabler for electric mobility in Germany: The future electric vehicle charging point and the provision of parameters for a sustainable business model concept

2017 - 2021
Judith Karl | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan




Research Areas