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25 results

Good practice towards homeless drug users: research evidence from Scotland.

Journal Article
Neale, J., & Kennedy, C. (2002)
Good practice towards homeless drug users: research evidence from Scotland. Health and Social Care in the Community, 10, 196-205.
Evidence of large numbers of people who are both homeless and drug dependent, the complexity of their needs, and the many difficulties which they can encounter when trying to ...

The links between begging and rough sleeping: a question of legitimacy?

Journal Article
question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.

question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.
Begging is one of the most potent, and controversial, symbols of social exclusion in modern British society. This paper concentrates on the relationship between begging and ro...

Children’s gaze behaviour at real-world and simulated road crossings

Egan, C. D. Children’s gaze behaviour at real-world and simulated road crossings. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Children and older adults are overrepresented in pedestrian accidents (Department for Transport, 2010a, 2010b). Gaze behaviour is cited as a contributing factor in the majorit...

Begging, rough sleeping and social exclusion: Implications for social policy.

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2001)
Begging, rough sleeping and social exclusion: Implications for social policy. Urban Studies, 38, 2001-2016.
Begging has become highly visible in the urban centres of Britain in recent years, yet the experiences and motivations of people involved in this activity have remained underr...

Breaking the text: An introduction to Lacanian discourse analysis

Journal Article
Neill, C. (2013)
Breaking the text: An introduction to Lacanian discourse analysis. Theory and Psychology, 23(3), 334-350.
This paper presents an entry-level approach to Lacanian Discourse Analysis. Along the way it considers crucial issues for textual analysis, arguing that Lacan’s insights provi...

The intervention effect of SMS delivery on Chinese adolescent's physical activity.

Journal Article
Lau, P. W. C., Pitkethly, A. J., Leung, B. W. C., Lau, E. Y., & Wang, J. (2019)
The intervention effect of SMS delivery on Chinese adolescent's physical activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 787.
To examine the effects of short messaging service (SMS) frequency and timing on the 13 efficacy of an SMS-intervention for Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Sixty nine students a...

Fulfilling promises of more substantive democracy? Post-neoliberalism and natural resource governance in South America

Journal Article
Siegel, K. M. (2016)
Fulfilling promises of more substantive democracy? Post-neoliberalism and natural resource governance in South America. Development and Change, 47(3), 495-516.
Benefitting from the commodity boom progressive governments across South America have sought to move away from the neoliberal policies adopted previously by strengthening the ...

Globalisation, collective action and counter-coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement.

Journal Article
Grieco, M., & Bhopal, M. (2005)
Globalisation, collective action and counter-coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 1, 109-122.
This article aims to explore the use of new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement. New information communication technologies are undoubtedly g...

Parenting a young person with mental health problems: temporal disruption and reconstruction.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2005)
Parenting a young person with mental health problems: temporal disruption and reconstruction. Sociology of health and illness, 27, 351-371.
The article explores the experiences of parents living with a young person with mental health problems. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 25 parents (18 mothers and 7...

Sensational Interests, Mating Effort, and Personality: Evidence for Cross-Cultural Validity

Journal Article
Egan, V., Figueredo, A. J., Wolf, P., McBride, K., Sefcek, J., Vasquez, G., & Charles, K. (2004)
Sensational Interests, Mating Effort, and Personality: Evidence for Cross-Cultural Validity. Journal of Individual Differences, 26(1), 11-19. doi:10.1027/1614-0001.26.1.11
We assessed whether violent or macabre interests ("sensational interests") were related to mating effort and a higher-order personality construct reflecting the combined featu...