4 results

Health help-seeking by men in Brunei Darussalam: masculinities and ‘doing’ male identities across the life course.

Journal Article
Idris, D. R., Forrest, S., & Brown, S. (2019)
Health help-seeking by men in Brunei Darussalam: masculinities and ‘doing’ male identities across the life course. Sociology of health and illness, 41(6), 1071-1087. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.12885
Using data collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 37 adult men living in Brunei Darussalam, this paper explores how masculinities and ex...

Muslim Youth in Scotland: politics, identity and multicultural citizenship

Book Chapter
Botterill, K., Sanghera, G., & Hopkins, P. (2017)
Muslim Youth in Scotland: politics, identity and multicultural citizenship. In P. Hopkins (Ed.), Scotland’s Muslims: Society, Politics and IdentityEdinburgh University Press
No abstract available.

Performance, importance and user disgruntlement: a six-step method for measuring satisfaction with travel modes.

Journal Article
Stradling, S. G., Anable, J. & Carreno, M. (2007)
Performance, importance and user disgruntlement: a six-step method for measuring satisfaction with travel modes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 41, 98-106. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2006.05.013. ISSN 0965-8564
The technique described in this paper builds on work in the customer service literature on the measurement of customer dissatisfaction to develop a new way of combining measur...

Determinants of car dependence.

Conference Proceeding
Stradling, S. G. (2006)
Determinants of car dependence. In Garling, T. & Steg, L. (Eds.). Threats from Car Traffic to the Quality of Urban Life: Problems, Causes, Solutions, 187-204. ISBN 0-08-044853-4