10 results

Mother Russia at work: gender divisions in the Russian medical profession.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2001)
Mother Russia at work: gender divisions in the Russian medical profession. European Journal of Women's Studies, 8, 181-199. https://doi.org/10.1177/135050680100800204
One of the most significant changes in the medical professions in Europe is the trend towards feminization. Some of the patterns of gender inequality arising from the feminiza...

Parenting a young person with mental health problems: temporal disruption and reconstruction.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2005)
Parenting a young person with mental health problems: temporal disruption and reconstruction. Sociology of health and illness, 27, 351-371. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2005.00446.x
The article explores the experiences of parents living with a young person with mental health problems. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 25 parents (18 mothers and 7...

“Uncharted waters”: The experience of parents of young people with mental health problems.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2005)
“Uncharted waters”: The experience of parents of young people with mental health problems. Qualitative Health Research, 15, 207-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732304269677
In this article, the author discusses the experiences of parents of young people with mental health problems and their relations with health care professionals. She conducted ...

"There's no place like home": the public/private distinction in children's theorising of risk and safety.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2000)
"There's no place like home": the public/private distinction in children's theorising of risk and safety. Childhood, 7, 43-59. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568200007001005
This article explores children's theorizing around risk and safety in relation to the public/private distinction. While there has been considerable debate within sociology ove...

Scary faces, scary places: children's perceptions of risk and safety.

Journal Article
Harden, J., Backett-Milburn, K., Scott, S., & Jackson, S. (2000)
Scary faces, scary places: children's perceptions of risk and safety. Health Education Journal, 59, 12-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/001789690005900103
Risks to children have been defined from an adult perspective with little or no space given to hearing from children themselves. In this paper we discuss children's perception...

Can't talk, won't talk?: methodological issues in researching children.

Journal Article
Harden, J., Backett-Milburn, K., & Jackson, S. (2000)
Can't talk, won't talk?: methodological issues in researching children. Sociological Research Online, 5,
In this paper we explore some current issues in, what has come to be called, the new sociology of childhood and how these relate to the process of researching children's lives...

How children and their families construct and negotiate risk, safety and danger.

Journal Article
Backett-Milburn, K., & Harden, J. (2004)
How children and their families construct and negotiate risk, safety and danger. Childhood, 11, 429-447. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568204047105
This article presents an analysis of the family context and everyday negotiations around risk, safety and danger between children and parents in four families drawn from a lar...

Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession.

Journal Article
MacLean, A., Harden, J., & Backett-Milburn, K. (2010)
Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession. Contemporary Social Science, 5, 159-170. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450141003783405
This paper presents findings from a qualitative longitudinal study which investigated processes of negotiation between parents and their primary school-aged children in addres...

Oh what a tangled weave we weave: experiences of doing multiple perspectives research in families

Journal Article
Harden, J., Backett-Milburn, K., Hill, M., & MacLean, A. (2010)
Oh what a tangled weave we weave: experiences of doing multiple perspectives research in families. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13, 441-452. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645571003650979
It is not uncommon to explore the views of parents and children in qualitative research with families. Yet the implications and challenges of a multiple perspective approach o...

The construction and negotiation of risk and trust in families (Risiko und Vertrauen in Familien ais Konstruktion und Aushandlungsprozess).

Book Chapter
Harden, J., & Backett-Milburn, K. (2008)
The construction and negotiation of risk and trust in families (Risiko und Vertrauen in Familien ais Konstruktion und Aushandlungsprozess). In H. Kelle, & A. Tervooren (Eds.), Ganz normale kinder: heterogenitat und standardisierung kindlicherEnticklung Weinheim