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A comment on 'The adaptive value of gluttony: predators mediate the life history trade‐offs of satiation threshold' by Pruitt & Krauel (2010)

Journal Article
Postma, E., Gonzalez‐Voyer, A., & Holman, L. (2021)
A comment on 'The adaptive value of gluttony: predators mediate the life history trade‐offs of satiation threshold' by Pruitt & Krauel (2010). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(12), 1989-1993.
Inspection of the data that accompany Pruitt and Krauel's study of individual variation in satiation threshold and a comparison of these data with the Materials and Methods an...

Building a new research framework for social evolution: intralocus caste antagonism

Journal Article
Pennell, T. M., Holman, L., Morrow, E. H., & Field, J. (2018)
Building a new research framework for social evolution: intralocus caste antagonism. Biological Reviews, 93(2), 1251-1268.
The breeding and non‐breeding ‘castes’ of eusocial insects provide a striking example of role‐specific selection, where each caste maximises fitness through different morpholo...

Crozier’s paradox revisited: maintenance of genetic recognition systems by disassortative mating

Journal Article
Holman, L., van Zweden, J. S., Linksvayer, T. A., & d’Ettorre, P. (2013)
Crozier’s paradox revisited: maintenance of genetic recognition systems by disassortative mating. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13, 211.
Background Organisms are predicted to behave more favourably towards relatives, and kin-biased cooperation has been found in all domains of life from bacteria to vertebrates....

Bumblebee size polymorphism and worker response to queen pheromone

Journal Article
Holman, L. (2014)
Bumblebee size polymorphism and worker response to queen pheromone. PeerJ, 2,
Queen pheromones are chemical signals produced by reproductive individuals in social insect colonies. In many species they are key to the maintenance of reproductive division ...

Meta-analytic evidence that sexual selection improves population fitness

Journal Article
Cally, J. G., Stuart-Fox, D., & Holman, L. (2019)
Meta-analytic evidence that sexual selection improves population fitness. Nature Communications, 10,
Sexual selection has manifold ecological and evolutionary consequences, making its net effect on population fitness difficult to predict. A powerful empirical test is to exper...

Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life‐history traits

Journal Article
Garlovsky, M. D., Holman, L., Brooks, A. L., Novicic, Z. K., & Snook, R. R. (2022)
Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life‐history traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35(5), 742-751.
Sexual selection and sexual conflict are expected to affect all aspects of the phenotype, not only traits that are directly involved in reproduction. Here, we show coordinated...

Pleiotropic fitness effects across sexes and ages in the Drosophila genome and transcriptome

Journal Article
Wong, H. W. S., & Holman, L. (2023)
Pleiotropic fitness effects across sexes and ages in the Drosophila genome and transcriptome. Evolution, 77(12), 2642–2655.
Selection varies between categories of individuals, with far-reaching ramifications: Sex-specific selection can impede or accelerate adaptation, and differences in selection b...

Sexual selection can partly explain low frequencies of Segregation Distorter alleles

Journal Article
Keaney, T. A., Jones, T. M., & Holman, L. (2021)
Sexual selection can partly explain low frequencies of Segregation Distorter alleles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1959),
The Segregation Distorter (SD) allele found in Drosophila melanogaster distorts Mendelian inheritance in heterozygous males by causing developmental failure of non-SD spermati...

Resistance to natural and synthetic gene drive systems

Journal Article
Price, T. A. R., Windbichler, N., Unckless, R. L., Sutter, A., Runge, J., Ross, P. A., …Lindholm, A. K. (2020)
Resistance to natural and synthetic gene drive systems. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33(10), 1345-1360.
Scientists are rapidly developing synthetic gene drive elements intended for release into natural populations. These are intended to control or eradicate disease vectors and p...

Comparative transcriptomics of social insect queen pheromones

Journal Article
Holman, L., Helanterä, H., Trontti, K., & Mikheyev, A. S. (2019)
Comparative transcriptomics of social insect queen pheromones. Nature Communications, 10,
Queen pheromones are chemical signals that mediate reproductive division of labor in eusocial animals. Remarkably, queen pheromones are composed of identical or chemically sim...