7 results

Exercise protection of vascular endothelial cells against breast cancer chemotherapy toxicity: Evidence from in vitro serological studies

2018 - 2022
Marie McLaughlin | Director of Studies: Dr Mark Ross | Second Supervisor: Prof G Florida-James

The effects of anthropogenic noise playbacks on marine invertebrates

2014 - 2018
Anthropogenic noise has profoundly changed the acoustic environment of aquatic habitats, and is known to negatively affect many taxa...
Dr Matt Wale | Director of Studies: Prof Karen Diele | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Assessment of trophic polymorphism in the Himalayan fish Tor putitora

2013 - 2022
Ian Martin | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Briers | Second Supervisor: Dr Sonja Rueckert

Exploring the causes of Red Vent Syndrome in wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from coastal waters around Scotland

2014 - 2018
"In 2005, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) migrating to the UK exhibited swollen, haemor...
Alexander Kent | Director of Studies: Dr Sonja Rueckert | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Non-native bullhead in South-East Scotland: Molecular and morphological identification and parasite links with native fauna

2014 - 2018
The PhD is to investigate the ecological implications of invasive bullhead in...
Jenny Mcleish | Director of Studies: Dr Sonja Rueckert | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Developing gregarine apicomplexans as aquatic symbiosis model system

2020 - date
Kevin Mckinley | Director of Studies: Dr Nick Wheelhouse

The effects of parasites on food web structure and dynamics: new ways to improve accuracy and ecological realism

2021 - date
Tully Osmond | Director of Studies: Dr Luke Holman