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The influence of changes in nitrogen: silicon ratios on diatom growth dynamics

Journal Article
Gilpin, L., Davidson, K., & Roberts, E. (2004)
The influence of changes in nitrogen: silicon ratios on diatom growth dynamics. Journal of Sea Research, 51(1), 21-35.
Nitrate loading to coastal waters has increased over recent decades while silicon loading has remained relatively constant or decreased. As the N:Si ratio in coastal waters sh...

The impact of biodeposits from suspended mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture on the surrounding surficial sediments.

Journal Article
Chamberlain, J., Fernandes, T., Read, P. A., Nickell, T. D., & Davies, I. M. (2001)
The impact of biodeposits from suspended mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture on the surrounding surficial sediments. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 58, 411-416.
The effects of increased sedimentation on the macrobenthic community, physical structure, and biogeochemistry of the surficial sediment around two farms in southwest Ireland w...

Microalgae, macrofauna and sedimentary stability: an experimental test of a reciprocal relationship.

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Gilpin, L., Mocogni, M., & Harper, S. (2006)
Microalgae, macrofauna and sedimentary stability: an experimental test of a reciprocal relationship. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 55-63.
A manipulative field experiment was conducted at Blackness in the Firth of Forth, Scotland, to study the effects of differences in microphytobenthos abundance on sediment stab...

Dense aggregations of tube-building polychaetes: response to small-scale disturbances.

Journal Article
Bolam, S. G., & Fernandes, T. (2002)
Dense aggregations of tube-building polychaetes: response to small-scale disturbances. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 269, 197-222.
Many species of tube-building polychaetes form dense aggregations or ‘patches’ within marine soft-bottom habitats. Although the ecological importance of such patches has been ...

Defining and detecting undesirable disturbance in the context of eutrophication.

Journal Article
Tett, P., Gowen, R. J., Mills, D., Fernandes, T., Gilpin, L., Huxham, M., …Malcolm, S. J. (2007)
Defining and detecting undesirable disturbance in the context of eutrophication. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55, (282-297). doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.08.028. ISSN 0025-326X
An understanding of undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms is needed to diagnose marine eutrophication as defined by EU Directives and OSPAR. This review summariz...

Coupled dynamics of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfide cycling and the microbial food web in surface waters of the North Atlantic.

Journal Article
Simo, R., Archer, S. D., Pedrós-Alió, C., Gilpin, L. & Stelfox-Widdicombe, C. E. (2002)
Coupled dynamics of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfide cycling and the microbial food web in surface waters of the North Atlantic. Limnology and Oceanography. 47, 53-61. ISSN 0024-3590
Oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS), the main natural source of sulfur to the global atmosphere, is suggested to play a key role in the interaction between marine biota and climate....

The scientific principles underlying the monitoring of the environmental impacts of aquaculture.

Journal Article
Fernandes, T., Eleftheriou, A., Ackefors, H., Eleftheriou, M., Ervik, A., Sanchez-Mata, A., …Read, P. A. (2001)
The scientific principles underlying the monitoring of the environmental impacts of aquaculture. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 17(4), 181-193.
This paper provides a critical review of the main issues regarding the scientific principles underlying environmental monitoring of marine aquaculture operations and makes rec...

Boundary layers and comfort blankets

Journal Article
Huxham, M. (2009)
Boundary layers and comfort blankets. Uk Centre for Bioscience Bulletin, 28, 1
Boundary layers and comfort blankets.

Changes in sediment processes across the western Irish Sea front.

Journal Article
Gowen, R., Stewart, B., & Trimmer, M. (2003)
Changes in sediment processes across the western Irish Sea front. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56(5-6), 1011-1019.
Sediment characteristics, sediment respiration (oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction) and sediment–water nutrient exchange, in conjunction with water column structure and phyt...

The influence of the balance of inorganic and organic nitrogen on the trophic dynamics of microbial food webs.

Journal Article
Davidson, K., Gilpin, L., Hart, M. C., Fouilland, E., Mitchell, E., Calleja, I. A., …Leakey, R. J. G. (2007)
The influence of the balance of inorganic and organic nitrogen on the trophic dynamics of microbial food webs. Limnology and Oceanography. 52, 2147-2163. ISSN 0024-3590
A nutrient-manipulation mesocosm study was conducted in Norwegian coastal waters to determine the effect on a nitrogen-limited microbial food web of changes in the relative co...