22 results

Family and Mobility in Second Modernity: Polish Migrant Narratives of Individualization and Family Life

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2014)
Family and Mobility in Second Modernity: Polish Migrant Narratives of Individualization and Family Life. Sociology, 48(2), 233-250. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038512474728
This article revisits the individualization debate in the context of Polish migration to the UK. Drawing on empirical research with young Polish migrants in Scotland and Polan...

"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2015)
"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research / Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 16(2),
This article offers a reflexive account of conducting research on Polish migration to Scotland from the perspective of the "outsider." The contribution argues for a revision t...

Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine

Journal Article
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (in press)
Re-politicising Anti-trafficking: Migration, Labour, and the War in Ukraine. Anti-trafficking review, 22,
Drawing on multi-method research, this article demonstrates that the risks of large-scale trafficking due to the war in Ukraine were mitigated by granting Ukrainians more exte...

“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation

Journal Article
Guma, T., Blake, Y., Maclean, G., MacLeod, K., Makutsa, R., & Sharapov, K. (2024)
“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(4), 742-762. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2023.2238052
This paper critically examines the placement of people seeking asylum in temporary accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is based on a 14-month collaborative ethnogra...

Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(13), 2647-2663. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183x.2018.1535313
This article examines the everyday experiences of welfare provision among EU migrants living in Glasgow, demonstrating how the process of restricting the rights of EU citizens...

Trafficking in Human Beings: Made and Cut to Measure? Anti-trafficking Docufictions and the Production of Anti-trafficking Truths

Journal Article
Sharapov, K., & Mendel, J. (2018)
Trafficking in Human Beings: Made and Cut to Measure? Anti-trafficking Docufictions and the Production of Anti-trafficking Truths. Cultural Sociology, 12(4), 540-560. https://doi.org/10.1177/1749975518788657
This paper responds to Gozdziak's (2015: 30) call to explore how the knowledge that informs public debates about human trafficking is generated. Media imagery and narratives p...

Young people’s everyday securities: pre-emptive and pro-active strategies toward ontological security in Scotland

Journal Article
Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., & Sanghera, G. S. (2017)
Young people’s everyday securities: pre-emptive and pro-active strategies toward ontological security in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2017.1346197
This paper uses a framework of ‘ontological security’ to discuss the psycho-social strategies of self-securitization employed by ethnic and religious minority young people in ...

Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2016)
Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand. Population, Space and Place, 23(5), e2011. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2011
This paper explores the lifestyle mobilities of British retirees in Thailand, drawing on empirical research conducted in 2012. Thailand is a host to a significant number of Br...

“It’s That Kind of Place Here”: Solidarity, Place-Making and Civil Society Response To the 2015 Refugee Crisis in Different Localities in Wales, UK

Journal Article
Guma, T., Woods, M., Yarker, S., & Anderson, J. (2019)
“It’s That Kind of Place Here”: Solidarity, Place-Making and Civil Society Response To the 2015 Refugee Crisis in Different Localities in Wales, UK. Social Inclusion, 7(2), 96-105. https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v7i2.2002
This paper examines the different ways in which local civil society has responded to refugees and asylum seekers in different parts of Wales in the wake of the recent “refugee...

Mobility and Immobility in the European Union: Experiences of Young Polish People Living in the UK

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2011)
Mobility and Immobility in the European Union: Experiences of Young Polish People Living in the UK. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 6(1),
Mobility' is a zeitgeist of the European Union. European enlargement and the removal of borders in Central and Eastern Europe has reinvigorated geographical mobility in Europe...