3 results

The Fish Community of an East African Mangrove: Effects of Turbidity and Distance from the Sea

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Kimani, E., & Augley, J. (2008)
The Fish Community of an East African Mangrove: Effects of Turbidity and Distance from the Sea. Western Indian Ocean journal of marine science, 7(1), 57-67. https://doi.org/10.4314/wiojms.v7i1.48254
Mangroves are often reported as nursery grounds for fish. Fish may enter mangroves in order to avoid predators, but may not need to do so if turbidity provides a sufficient pr...

Pay Gaps Between Domestic and International Fishers: an Economic or Ethical Issue?

Journal Article
Caveen, A., Chikwama, C., Botterill, K., Jones, E., Jones, E., Botterill, K., …Gray, T. (2020)
Pay Gaps Between Domestic and International Fishers: an Economic or Ethical Issue?. Maritime Studies, 19(1), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40152-019-00133-6
Through the global market for maritime labour, multi-national crews now work on fishing vessels which were once serviced by domestic crews only. The remuneration and working c...

Turning the Tide: How Blue Carbon and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Might Help Save Mangrove Forests

Journal Article
Locatelli, T., Binet, T., Kairo, J. G., King, L., Madden, S., Patenaude, G., …Huxham, M. (2014)
Turning the Tide: How Blue Carbon and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Might Help Save Mangrove Forests. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 43, 981-995. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-014-0530-y
In this review paper, we aim to describe the potential for, and the key challenges to, applying PES projects to mangroves. By adopting a “carbocentric approach,” we show that ...