3 results

Estimating abundance of striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena) in the Negev Desert of Israel using camera traps and closed capture–recapture models

Journal Article
Tichon, J., Rotem, G., & Ward, P. (2017)
Estimating abundance of striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena) in the Negev Desert of Israel using camera traps and closed capture–recapture models. European journal of wildlife research, 63(1), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10344-016-1069-y
Estimating key state variables (e.g., abundance/density) of threatened/endangered species is a difficult yet crucial task. These variables are essential for wildlife conservat...

Size constraints in a real food web: predator, parasite and prey body-size relationships.

Journal Article
Leaper, R., & Huxham, M. (2002)
Size constraints in a real food web: predator, parasite and prey body-size relationships. Oikos, 99, (443-456). doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.10888.x. ISSN 0030-1299
In the absence of well-resolved food webs that include both information on predators and parasites, body-size has been proposed as the biological mechanism underlying the assu...

The effects of refuse-feeding on home-range use, group size, and intergroup encounters in the banded mongoose.

Journal Article
Gilchrist, J. & Otali, E. (2002)
The effects of refuse-feeding on home-range use, group size, and intergroup encounters in the banded mongoose. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 80, 1795-1802. doi:10.1139/z02-113. ISSN 0008-4301
The effects of food availability and distribution on population dynamics have been the subject of numerous experimental studies, but no study has quantified the effects of a c...