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6 results

Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?

Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., & MacLean, R. (2017)
Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?. the Quarterly, 41-44
This discussion paper will look at heuristics (rule of thumb techniques for decision making), (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and their potential value. Typically, heuristics have ...

The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs

Journal Article
McParland, J., Knussen, C., & Murray, J. (2016)
The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs. European Journal of Pain, 20(9), 1392-1401.
Background: A growing field of investigation into social justice cognitions and pain suggests perceived injustice has a negative impact on pain, but little is known about indi...

Age-related differences on cognitive overload in an audio-visual memory task

Journal Article
Murray, J., & Thomson, M. E. (2011)
Age-related differences on cognitive overload in an audio-visual memory task. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(1), 129-141.
The present study aimed to provide evidence outlining whether the type of stimuli used in teaching would provoke differing levels of recall across three different academic age...

Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance

Journal Article
Riby, L., Law, A., McLaughlin, J., & Murray, J. (2011)
Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance. Nutrition Research, 31, 370-377.
Previous research has found that the ingestion of glucose boosts task performance in the memory domain (including tasks tapping episodic, semantic, and working memory). The pr...

The relationship between creativity and attention in adults

Journal Article
Carruthers, L., MacLean, R., & Willis, A. (2018)
The relationship between creativity and attention in adults. Creativity Research Journal, 30(4), 370-379
Creativity is a valuable attribute that involves the generation of original ideas; attention is a vital function that facilitates information selection. There is some evidence...

Saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements trigger equivalent gaze-cued orienting effects

Journal Article
Langton, S. R., McIntyre, A. H., Hancock, P. J., & Leder, H. (2018)
Saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements trigger equivalent gaze-cued orienting effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218.2017.1.
Research has established that a perceived eye gaze produces a concomitant shift in a viewer’s spatial attention in the direction of that gaze. The two experiments reported her...