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94 results

Metamorphosis of the edible mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in response to benthic microbial biofilms

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., Abrunhosa, F. A., & Diele, K. (2017)
Metamorphosis of the edible mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in response to benthic microbial biofilms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492, 132-140.
Benthic microbial communities can play an important role in the induction of larval metamorphosis in marine invertebrates. The role of biofilms in recognizing the parental hab...

Desynchronizing effects of lightning strike disturbances on cyclic forest dynamics in mangrove plantations.

Journal Article
Kautz, M., Berger, U., Stoyan, D., Vogt, J., Khan, N. I., Diele, K., …Nam, V. N. (2011)
Desynchronizing effects of lightning strike disturbances on cyclic forest dynamics in mangrove plantations. Aquatic Botany, 95, 173-181.
Plantations released from management are vulnerable to transient oscillations until cohort dynamics are broken and the vertical and horizontal structures of the plantation are...

Activity patterns, feeding and burrowing behaviour of the crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in a high intertidal mangrove forest in North Brazil

Journal Article
Nordhaus, I., Diele, K., & Wolff, M. (2009)
Activity patterns, feeding and burrowing behaviour of the crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in a high intertidal mangrove forest in North Brazil. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 374, 104-112.
Activity patterns, feeding and burrowing behaviour of the economically important semi-terrestrial mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae, L. 1763) was studied in a high inter...

Can postlarval bivalves select sediment type during settlement? A field test with Macoma balthica (L.) and Cerastoderma edule (L.)

Journal Article
Huxham, M., & Richards, M. (2003)
Can postlarval bivalves select sediment type during settlement? A field test with Macoma balthica (L.) and Cerastoderma edule (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 288(2), (279-293). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(03)00023-6. ISSN 0022-0981
Many soft-bottom benthic invertebrates display sediment-associated patterns of dispersion. Habitat selection experiments have shown that the larvae of some species can choose ...

MAPK Activation Is Essential for Waddlia chondrophila Induced CXCL8 Expression in Human Epithelial Cells

Journal Article
Storrie, S., Longbottom, D., Barlow, P. G., & Wheelhouse, N. (2016)
MAPK Activation Is Essential for Waddlia chondrophila Induced CXCL8 Expression in Human Epithelial Cells. PLOS ONE, 11(3),
Background Waddlia chondrophila (W. chondrophila) is an emerging agent of respiratory and reproductive disease in humans and cattle. The organism is a member of the order Chla...

Impact of typhoon disturbance on the diversity of key ecosystem engineers in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam.

Journal Article
Diele, K., Tran Ngoc, D. M., Geist, S. J., Meyer, F., Pham, Q. H., Saint-Paul, U., …Berger, U. (2013)
Impact of typhoon disturbance on the diversity of key ecosystem engineers in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Global and Planetary Change, 110(B), 236-248.
Mangrove crabs as key ecosystem engineers may play an important role in the recovery process of storm-damaged forests. Yet, their response to storm disturbance is largely unkn...

Influence of natural settlement cues on the metamorphosis of fiddler crab megalopar, Uca vocator (Decapoda: Ocypodidae).

Journal Article
Simith, D. D. J. D. B., Diele, K., & Abrunhosa, F. A. (2010)
Influence of natural settlement cues on the metamorphosis of fiddler crab megalopar, Uca vocator (Decapoda: Ocypodidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 82, 313-321.
Megalopae of many decapod crab species accelerate their development time to metamorphosis (TTM) when exposed to natural physical and/or chemical cues characteristic of the par...

The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage

Journal Article
Harcourt, W. D., Briers, R. A., & Huxham, M. (2018)
The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage. Biology Letters, 14(11),
Knowledge of seagrass distribution is limited to a few well-studied sites and poor where resourcesare scant (e.g. Africa), hence global estimates of seagrass carbon storage ar...

Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale

Journal Article
Fernandes, T. F., Huxham, M., & Piper, S. R. (1999)
Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 241(1), (137-154). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(99)00076-3. ISSN 0022-0981
The impact of predators is often relative to the spatial scale at which the study is conducted. In this paper we investigated how spatial scale might influence the importance ...

Do Parasites Reduce the Chances of Triangulation in a Real Food Web?

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Beaney, S., & Raffaelli, D. (1996)
Do Parasites Reduce the Chances of Triangulation in a Real Food Web?. Oikos, 76(2), 284. doi:10.2307/3546201
At least ten different static patterns have been suggested by the analysis of food webs. However, the existence of many of these patterns has been questioned in recent years. ...